Work experience and learning outcomes

Photo from link at the bottom

1, What I will learn in this first job is social media content creation, photo editing, and newsletter creation, with regard to the industry and the economy/business. Tasks, projects, or areas I am assigned to do for the June newsletter, I need to format an article. The supervisor sends the May newsletter, the Unity for Equality logos, the brand resource page, as well as the article. They would like to keep the article to 2 pages only. They also like the page and font color to be consistent with simple white background and black font. She also created an example header, I can use or create my own if I want to. I can also add borders or graphics. And the deadline to send her back is Monday, June 12th, at 6 P.M. EST I am not performing clerical duties as well as duties related to my major. A typical day during my internship I was asked to conduct client research and complete the tasks I mentioned above.

So, I looked for inspirations online for Newsletter and from there I sketched then I designed according to the requirement. I moved graphics to have a bit more balance and hope my supervisor will allow it since I already promised to keep the same example header however in term of hierarchy I feel like it is better that way. Instead of keeping graphics inside the header I placed it in the top of the newsletter for focal point. I gained experience in Indesign and photoshop.

2, I was assigned to make a post promoting civic engagement. This is one of the main issues Unity for Equality supports and having an Instagram post would be great for this. This is also under the Civic Engagement program on Unity for Equality’s website.

A screenshot provided by Unity for Equality

I gained experience by gathering information from our company and use Illustration to apply in design.

3, This time, I will do a social media post promoting their emailing/newsletter. We have monthly newsletters, which cover many different topics. Users can also sign up to receive email updates from us. I received an attached link for the sign-up. I then asked my supervisor if this was promoting an update to the Instagram post or something completely new. She responded that this item is something the company already offers, but we are promoting the newsletter and encouraging more people to sign up for email updates. So, I decided just redesign it a little bit from the last one we got. I gained experience in typography and little details in link text to get the project done. I also learned using Illustration to send our message to audience by Instagram’s post.


I am working on a project that has a post promoting the organization’s new shop on the website and the merchandise. We can use graphics or photos of the merchandise from the website. It’s the shop tab on the organization’s website. It was recently launched by our non-profit organization and our merchandise I notice one thing that is occurring on the internship our non-profit organization is expanding quickly. We have just launched a Membership portal for employees, which is a big step since I am also a technology fan. One of my favorite projects is the new store promotion, which has funded our company in some way. I learned the most about how to keep our design consistent with the color palette, logo, and providing graphics. I’m glad to see my company is using intern’s designs to send our message to customers through social media such as Instagram and Facebook.

I am gaining experience by using graphic elements to make a nice composition in Instagram post.


So this time my experience was make another post promoting our merchandise. We just launched our coffee mugs and baseball hats, and we think an Instagram post promoting this would be great. It can be similar to my 4th post for the merchandise said by our supervisor so we move forward and work on it right way on computer.



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