Obtaining the internship/ Remote work

Young professionals, gen z working, first job. Confident young businesswoman working at her workplace in office. Company worker, entrepreneur from Photostock.com.mx

For the company’s size, I counted 70 people including 3 three new interns this summer throughout their website and locations are various such as America others According to the flags I saw online, the flags are in India and Bangladesh. They are a non-profit community organization. Their mission is to empower and integrate underserved communities and other immigrants into civic and economic life. They help individuals and families in the areas of advocacy for social justice, civic engagement, educational opportunities, universal health care and advanced support services. The company’s customers and/or clients are individuals and families in the areas and senior citizens In 2008 company was founded by the CEO and he began working since then, he saw the recent difficulties people were experiencing due to various societal problems. They are key events in its history. My department is communication and marketing where I work within the company.

Our goal is to develop social media content creation, video/photo editing and newsletter creation for their website. Our team only has the roles of Supervisor and Digital Design Assistant (DDA). As a DDA, my primary responsibilities include researching, creating impactful newsletters, and contributing to collaborating with the creative team. I also make sure to stay up to date with our latest newsletter and Instagram ads as well as the signup form on the website.


Home. Unity for Equality. (2022, October 14). https://unityforequality.org/

Credit image:

Stock image details: Ist_20819_07507 – young professionals, gen Z working, first job. confident young businesswoman working at her workplace in office. company worker, entrepreneur. Young Professionals, gen Z working, first job. confident young businesswoman working. Photo Stock. (n.d.-b). https://www.photostock.com.mx//dynamicURL.cfm?dynURLmode=imagedetails&DynURLparams=137411474&dynURLdescription=IST_20819_07507-Isignstock-Contributors-Young-professionals-gen-z-working-first-job-Confid&CFID=53300327&CFTOKEN=89704695

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