Ethics in Graphic Design 1a

According to AIGA, ethics keep promises and commitments made to others. Does the right thing, even when it is difficult. Will not give in to pressure to appear biased or manipulate others.

Based on website, the point that stand out to me in Introduction to Ethics are setting our boundaries early on. Have an idea of who we would design for and who we wouldn’t, make our own design , and be caution of the details of the work. That is our design honesty.

On the other hand,  according to Milton Glaser, the first thing we should learn is how to start with an audience. If we know who we are talking to, we can talk to anybody. For example, when others ask to borrow your fonts then you just have to say no and don’ t give it to them. When it comes to licensing fonts, ethical practices make both legal and economic sense. Therefore, taking an ethical approach to font usage and font licensing is both good business practice and good business. In addition, respecting the rights of illustrators is a practical, ethical and legal issue in Codes of Ethic given by AIGA. This fact is other people’s valuable work and time. We need to respect other illustrators and help them stop dishonest use on the internet today.


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