perks at city tech ! Entry #6 Carmen Diaz

As a student here at city tech i get many perks such as being able to have a free account to the new York times website or getting a discount in some art stores. But one of the best perks  ive gotten  here at city tech was being able to try food from the students studying to be in a kitchen! some foods haven’t tasted so well but most times its been delish, i love food so why not its FREE!!!

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Frame and Scale

Frame and Scale can be used in alot of creative ways.  From creating a new perspective to covering over mistakes.  Which ever way it’s used is up to the artist.


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Frame Art

The frame cuts off most of the ark work I have done on it. It also shows a deeper form in the frame which was surprising. The scaling of the composition is different the original size of the cut out shapes. It played around with my eyesight because the way the frame is on the art. A black background started to look like a white background and vise versa with the white background of the art.

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Thumbnail Sketches

It’s important to start the design process with thumbnail sketches because it gives you a better idea about what you’re actually doing when it comes to designing. It gives you a chance to explore your design in different examples. 

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Thumbnail Sketches

Starting off with thumbnail sketches is a strong way of pulling your idea from your head to paper.  Doing this helps clear the brain fog people get when they try to put out the vision they have but in the best form possible.  While that is good and all , it’s always better to keep things short and simple.  That way we can get more things done on a design project, instead of focusing too much on one aspect.

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This post is actually on my wall. It was posted on 08/29. I didn’t know it was supposed to be posted here.

While I was reading this article, I realized that this specific project was created from not only imagination but from what would happen in a hypothetical situation. She created this because she thought outside the earth. She didn’t think of a design that could be used on earth. I also like how her piece collaborates with both art and science.

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Article Analysis

It was interesting how the artist wanted to bring street art back but in a innovative way. It was cool to read because they put graffiti on a truck.

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