Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Reflection 2

Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

  • What life experiences have prepared me for college?
  • When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
  • How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

Read and comment on another student’s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals


  1. Saeni

    When faced with difficult situations I mentally prepare for the situation and embrace the challenge. Doing this allows me to take the challenge head on at the best of my abilities with controlled emotions and a controlled pace.

    • David Mendez Medina

      One of the best skills to have throughout your life is being able to control your emotions because it stops you from making irrational decisions so I think being mentally prepared or ready can be a really good thing.

  2. Pamela

    A life experience that has prepared me for college is my work expiration working 9-5. It has provided me with leadership roles.A strategy I used was leaning on my peers to help me!I can create positive academic habits by getting into a productive mode and locking in.

    • David Mendez Medina

      As someone who used to work a 9-5 I agree you learn a lot but it is not the best. Your peers are all in the same boat so if you need help or need to rely on someone do not be afraid to ask others for help misery loves company is something that rings true here.

  3. Franklin Romero

    My life experiences though me to keep calm and think twice before making a decision. Making a decision without thinking about it can have many wrong goings, so make sure your decision is right before performing the desicion.

    • David Mendez Medina

      That is a very good thing to have learned. You would be surprised by how many people actual do not think about something before they do it. Giving more time and effort to something can make it a lot more easier and can make handling things better as well.

  4. Alessandra Urena De La Cruz

    What life experiences have prepared me for college?

    I think me opting to take AP classes and online college classes have prepared me for college because I now know the workload and the expectations.

    • David Mendez Medina

      I hope your ap classes did prepare you for the work load and expectations. My ap classes did not prepare me as well as I should have been but some of the stuff in college is easier while other stuff is harder so keep that in mind.

  5. Stephanie perez

    I will create positive academic habits for myself by taking notes in a notebook and list the important things I will need. Pay attention and take time to study and take notes and not be lazy.

    • David Mendez Medina

      That sounds like a really good plan. Taking notes sounds like a lot of work but those notes can be the difference between an A or a B. A lot of people are lazy you just have to do more work then the lazy people.

  6. emily

    I will create positive academic habits by managing my time with everything I do now. Moving around my schedule will help me.

    • David Mendez Medina

      Time management is one of the most important things to learn because in reality time goes by extremely fast it is hard to notice. Take notice of what you think you should prioritize because if you do then you will end up with better grades and less work.

  7. Daniil

    I think high school prepared me for college in some ways because you have to deal with a lot of things in your senior year. Part-time work also helps you prepare for college because it teaches you responsibility.

    • David Mendez Medina

      Yes! Most students here need to learn how to be responsible because if you learn how to be responsible you can get really far in life very early on and it opens a lot of doors.

  8. Max

    I was enrolled in IB in high school 11th to 12th grade and we had a lot of coursework so in that regards I’m prepared for college. When faced with a difficult situation in the past I like to take my time and think of all the solutions and outcomes. I also like to enjoy nature to lower my stress. I know in my head that things will get better and that’s how I deal with stressful situations. To create positive habits I will make a schedule and follow it.

    • David Mendez Medina

      Nature is a great way to reduce stress. Personally I like sitting in a park because it really clears my head and lets me do what I want to do/focus on what I should do. It does not hurt to take some time and take a break and destress.

  9. JOYIM

    When faced with challenges i just consider it as an opportunity to make progress and discover new heights

    Creating new schedule and always been on campus on time an focusing on studies

    • David Mendez Medina

      Being on time is a great thing to do. I personally get to class early and enjoy the ac and review the lecture notes from last week as a quick review or do any homework I need to do later.

  10. Roselyn Romero

    Some positive academic habits I will create for myself will be expanding my reading skills, being more organized & managing my time skills. I don’t want to be all over the place when classes start.

    • David Mendez Medina

      Hopefully you develop these skills because these are very important skills and from my experience time management and being organized translate really well into the real life. My advice would be take your time on learning them go with the flow but do not stress yourself out it is a learning curve so try your best and do not beat yourself up.

  11. Richard

    The life experiences that have prepared me for college are coaching athletes and gaining knowledge within my career. I have taken advantage of every opportunity that has presented itself to me, as well as having a mentor to guide me through some obstacles in life.

    • David Mendez Medina

      Hopefully you get a mentor in college or someone to guide you throughout your college experience because the first year can definitely through people off and can make things fell uneasy but that is the point to learn and adapt to get better.

  12. Azeem ahmad

    When I’m in difficult situation i’ll accept it and mentally prepare myself for the situation doing this makes me mentally strong and boost my potential to solve any difficult situation in my life. I will do my work on time cause I don’t have any college academic expertise so that’s why i do my studies in time

  13. Md Nazmul Islam

    How will I create positive academic habits for myself?

    Creating positive academic habits is crucial for success in college. I plan to achieve this by setting a regular study schedule and sticking to it. Time management is key, so I’ll use a planner to keep track of assignments, exams, and deadlines. I’ll also make sure to break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, staying organized with my notes and materials will help me stay on top of my coursework. Finally, I’ll seek help from professors and classmates whenever I need it and stay engaged in class to fully understand the material.

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