Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Reflection 3

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Muneeb Abbas

    As a practicing Muslim joined a Muslim association club in high school and when I first joined I felt welcomed and felt like I belong here with all my other Muslim brothers and sisters in Islam. I felt part of this group because we share the same belief and have similar mindsets about life. I wouldn’t really say there any benefits from being in this group but definitely getting together with other Muslim students was a benefit for me, which helped me build new friendships. What I can do to help myself feel like part of a group at City Tech is to speak and meet new people and start networking, getting to know new people and find which group people you believe you belong in.

    • Jayden D.

      When I was joining my R.A.W. Club in my school I at first felt kinda relieved. I joined with my friends so I had someone to talk to in the group and I liked the teacher who was in charge of the group. When I felt like we were really a full group though was when we went out into our school yard and began to clean up the place. It was the summer so it was nice and hot, we were all having fun picking up the trash and making our school yard look nicer. The main benefit I had was being able to have somewhere to go during lunch and being able to get closer with my friends during that time. If I became more out going I bet I could feel more like I’m apart of a group here a City Tech, but I’m kinda bad at talking, so once I get over my social anxiety I should be set to feel good here and feel welcomed.

      • Sophie B.

        Almost everyone feels nervous when they’re new to a place. Your experience shows that stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to amazing personal growth and connections. Just like you found comfort and belonging with your friends in the R.A.W. Club, you’ll eventually find the same at City Tech. Anxiety can really hold us back from pursuing our goals or pushing ourselves towards bigger and better things, but always remember, overcoming social anxiety is a gradual process. Every small step you take towards engaging with others will build your confidence. So, don’t be too hard on yourself or feel like you’ll never experience that type of confidence/comfort here, because you absolutely will! You can begin by participating in class, or being the first to initiate a conversation during group discussions. Take things one step at a time, but actively try to build on each previous step!

    • Sophie B.

      This must’ve been a wonderful experience! It always brings a sense of closeness and comfort being around people who share the same values as you do. You should look into City Tech’s MSA Club and try joining! This seems like the perfect way for you to begin feeling a sense of belonging and community in your college journey. It’ll also help you meet new people, make connections, and get more comfortable with the environment, especially being around other students who you can relate to on a religious level!

  2. Robert Eckman

    When I joined my high school track team I was nervous I don’t recall I specific moment it kinda just happened over time the benefits I got was physical but I also made friendships that are going to last a life time what can help to feel I’m part of group is get involved and make friends

    • Sophie B.

      It’s great to hear how your involvement in track helped you grow, both physically and personally! Your experience shows how stepping out of your comfort zone and engaging with a team/group can lead to lasting benefits. Getting involved and making connections is a great way to build a sense of belonging, and can sometimes create lifelong friendships. Keep embracing new opportunities, and continue to overcome your fears and push through challenges! You’ll continue to create new bonds, and grow in ways you might not even expect!

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    Alex Dong

    when I first join a club was felt more social because clubs make you meet new people and talk.i felt like when I was in a club I was part of it because I could let my voice be heard.by participating in a group you could make the group more fun and improve it. I can make myself be part of city tech is improving the campus like creating more clubs and be part of shape.

    • Sophie B.

      You’ve made a great observation! Not only are you able to meet others and interact in a club, it’s also an opportunity for you to express yourself and let your voice be heard! Participation is so important in college! Not only does it make the environment more lively, it also helps to increase and improve your knowledge. Taking the lead and creating a club of your own sounds like a fantastic idea!

  4. Sim

    In my junior year I joined my school’s track team. I felt excited and relieved when I joined the team. My friendships grew abundantly with the members of the team. My team was new so we all experienced track and field for the first time. At City Tech I already have friends that attend here as well so I will stay towards that group.

    • Sophie B.

      I know it’s easy for us to resort to what we know and who we’re comfortable with as our safe option, but it’s also good to expand our reach! When we stick only to what we know, this holds us back from progressing and increasing our potential. Instead, try to be more open-minded and welcome others into your circle. College is a journey, and you’ll oftentimes have to adapt to situations outside your comfort zone. So, you’ll definitely have to learn how to be a bit more flexible with your thinking. As you move forward at City Tech, stay connected with your existing friends while also exploring new opportunities, clubs, friendships, etc. This can lead to major growth within yourself, and your college journey!

  5. Jason

    I had joined a friend group and I felt pretty good when I joined, the moment I realized I was really apart of the group when they made the same kind of jokes I was making and everyone came together and laughing, the benefits from this group was that I have a friendship that will last a lifetime, what will help me in city tech is that I will see those friends in school and bond like we were in high school again.

    • Sophie B.

      This is bittersweet! It’s always nice to see a familiar face in a place unknown to you. You and your friends will soon realize that life is going to get more and more hectic as the semesters go by and your responsibilities will increase. College life is no comparison to high school, but at least you’ll have each other throughout this journey! It would be great if you and your friends joined clubs or found other activities that you’d enjoy, and connected with more peers to grow your friend group. You’ll be much more comfortable doing this with friends rather than being solo. You should give it a try at some point!

  6. Joselin Romero

    When I first got my job that same day we had a meeting and I did not know many people there I was nervous to meet all the staff. I had nothing to be nervous about as they were all very kind now I am able to talk to them without being nervous they are very welcoming. I think i can try to be more outgoing and less shy so i can be a part of a group here at city tech.

    • Sophie B.

      Overcoming your fears is part of growing and improving. I’m proud of you for reflecting on this experience and learning from it in ways that have motivated you to become more outgoing and less reserved. Your college journey is the perfect opportunity to work towards these goals. This is great! 

  7. Titia

    when I first joined the workshop I was nervous and afraid to speak up. I felt like I was part of the group when I observed and noticed that everyone was nice, friendly and funny. I found it interesting. The benefit I think I got from the workshop is that I am now more prepare mentally for college. This is because I learned more about what and how to prepare myself and I also received great advice that I think would be very helpful for me to stay up to date with everything. I think to help myself feel more like part of a group at city tech, I will try to be more proactive and less shy.

    • Sophie B.

      I’m glad CT 101 turned your nervousness into readiness, and helped you find a few friends! Going into college with your positive attitude will definitely help you have a better experience, just try your best to upkeep it despite any obstacles! It’s great that you’re setting a goal to become more proactive and less shy. These are essential goals as a college student, and very useful life skills!

  8. Elijah

    When I attended a new high school for the first time after being online for a whole year prior, i was really nervous because I didn’t know what to expect and knowing that everyone in the school already knew e/o made it even worse. Someone went up to me to become my freind and it made me feel part of the school and he put me on to other friends and I felt very welcomed. I can be engaged with my community in City Tech participate in things etc!

    • Sophie B.

      I know that transition must’ve been very tough at first, but someone was brave enough to approach you and help you feel welcomed. You can use this experience to help yourself feel more comfortable at City Tech by taking the leap and being the brave one who reaches out to someone, just as your friend did with you! 

  9. Honeybee

    I felt exited to come up with reasons why students are less likely to ask for help. I felt even more happy when I realized I didn’t have to move from my seat for the activity. I felt like a part of the group from the beginning because I supplied the writing equipment. I made connections and got to know my classmates more. I will continue to be more outgoing and verbal in city tech so that I can find a group that I feel like a part of.

    • Sophie B.

      It really doesn’t take much for us to initiate a conversation or make connections. Your kind gesture allowed you to feel more comfortable and broke that barrier between you and your classmates. I’m proud of you for being determined to become more outgoing and verbal! That’s a great goal to achieve, and something everyone should strive to accomplish. Great job!

  10. Alexander Brown

    I felt kinda nervous but interested in seeing what new information i can learn about the new things wether it be new info about resumes or school information. A moment where I felt like I was a part of a group was today. Some benefits I get from participating in the group is talking to and meeting new people. Also learning more about people who I previously knew but wasn’t friends with. Something I can do to help myself feel like a part of a group at City Tech is joining clubs and other extracurricular or co-curricular activities.

    – Alexander B.

    • Sophie B.

      Learning new information helps build our knowledge, so I’m glad you’re interested in doing so! I’m also happy you were able to feel part of a group during our CT 101 session. It’s really not as hard as we think to begin connecting with people and build relationships. Joining extracurricular or co-curricular activities is an excellent way to feel like you’re part of a group, especially if it concerns areas of your interest!

  11. Cindy

    I was part of this program called ACE and it’s basically consistent of programs like architecture, construction and engineering. When I first joined I felt scared since I didn’t know most of the students there. Throughout the program I started to feel more comfortable and talked to the mentors and students more. They asked me to help create the second floor of the building and I felt like my opinion mattered. Overall, the benefit I got from the program is that I got inspired to continue on studying architecture. To feel part of a City Tech group I would explain and share the stuff that I learned throughout my life since some students might not know how to do the stuff I know.

    • Sophie B.

      This is amazing! You persevered despite feeling scared and nervous, and you ended up with a great experience that motivated you to continue pursuing architecture. You’ll probably face similar challenges throughout your college journey, but if you continue to build on your experience and persist, you’ll do great! Sharing your skills, experiences, ideas, etc., are all great ways of building friendships and feeling connected to your peers. It’s always fun learning about others, especially in areas we’re not familiar with. It gives us a different perspective and helps expand our way of thinking!

  12. Verenice

    When I joined the Alter Server at church I felt nervous about if I was able to do the responsibility that comes with it. A moment I recall that I felt that I was apart of the group is that we have new people joining in and reaching me for help. Benefits I get from participating in the group is that I was able to feel apart of something and also being a leader for those who are struggling and shaking the anxiety and not be so nervous to participate. What I can do to help myself be apart of a group at City Tech is finding other people hobbies that relates to mine.

    • Sophie B.

      You took on your responsibilities bravely and pushed through, which resulted in you being able to help others who were facing similar challenges as you once did! This shows significant growth and improvement. It also proves that we’re never alone with our struggles, and we all hold the capacity to grow, and hopefully assist others who might be struggling the same as we once did! This is a great scenario to refer back to whenever you’re facing difficulties in college, and a great way to begin making friends. Finding peers who have hobbies similar to yours is also a good way to start making connections and feel less alone!

  13. Jayson L

    When I first joined the workplace when I interned at a Brooklyn Library I felt indifferent to the adjustment. I felt I was part of the group when they’d give me the respect older more experienced employee’s received. The benefits I received was the money I made. I’m not entirely sure how I could feel a part of city tech but I can figure it out.

    • Sophie B.

      Respect plays a huge role in feeling welcomed and appreciated. This is an important quality to uphold not only in college, but throughout life. Always treat everyone with kindness and respect, including professors. They both go a long way and will help ease you into college life. One way you can help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech would be to make connections with students who share some of the same interests as you. This is a great way to help you adjust to the college environment because now you’ll feel less alone, which will also boost your motivation and productivity! 

  14. Diana

    I will talk about my experience of joining this workshop. At first, when I joined, I felt Curious and nervous at the same time because I didn’t know what a workshop
    because I never joined one before but I it is a great opportunity that help me learn how to be a successful student.
    When I feel like l am not part of a group, it is when I don’t know something or someone but once I get confident, I start to feel part of something.
    The benefits of joining a group are expanding your knowledge of someone else’s ideas so that you can use it to learn from it, but you can also help someone and be a unified group.
    Lastly, I would help myself to feel like I am part of a group at City Tech. I would make sure I find help, such as clubs and networks so that I feel connected with friends and my professors.

    • Sophie B.

      If you ever head into something feeling like you don’t quite fit in, you’re definitely not alone. There are always others who have the same thoughts and feelings running through their mind. If you don’t know something, never hesitate to ask someone for help or find the appropriate resources. Don’t let your nervousness discourage you from finding things out and expanding your knowledge! Finding a club that interests you is a great way to help you connect with others and break out of your shell, which will also grow your confidence!

  15. Ebony

    I remember when I first began the homeschooling group. I felt intimidated for a split second. I thought everyone would judge me because I don’t have a teachers degree.

    As we all began out meet and greet session, a tremendous weight was lifted off of my shoulders because there were many people in the group that didn’t have teacher degrees either. I began to feel very welcomed.

    I learned many different styles of teaching and it was a great benefit to me.

    Joining a group with like minded people may make my journey smoother because I’m very invested in my education.

    • Sophie B.

      It’s great that you were able to continue pursuing the homeschooling group despite your fears and intimidation. Sometimes our overthinking can get the best of us, which can also lead to self-sabotage. Luckily, that wasn’t the case for you. You were courageous enough to avoid letting your thoughts and emotions hold you back, resulting in an outcome far better than what you were initially fearing! Continue to persevere despite your thoughts going against you. This is a great quality to have, and a great form of encouragement for other fellow college students/club members! 

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