HMGT2305 Dining Room Operations
Procedural, customer and staff perspectives involved in the provision of quality service as practiced in a dining room laboratory. Student rotation through dining room service positions with emphasis on […]
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CST 2312 Information and Data Management I: Fall 2023
This course introduces students to the necessary informatics and intellectual tools to become efficient and effective information users. The course covers topics related to digital infrastructure, acquisition, […]
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COM 2403ID Health Communication
The interdisciplinary study and practice of communication in healthcare and public health. Topics include provider-patient interaction, team communication, and the diffusion of health information through public […]
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CIS 9490 UTA Fa23 – Systems Analysis and Design
Organizations depend on computer information systems and technology to operate efficiently. This course first instructs students in current methods of analyzing business situations and systems to model complete and […]
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CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2022
The fundamentals of hydraulics for civil engineering technicians, including properties of fluids, fluid statics, manometers, forces on submerged plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy, principles of fluid flow, flow […]
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Fundamentals of fluid mechanics including: properties of fluids, fluid statics, manometers, center of pressure, buoyancy, stability, principles of fluid flow, flow measurements, frictional head losses, conservation […]
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SOC1102 Urban Sociology, Fall 2020
According to the UN, 82.3% of the U.S. population lived in urban areas in 2018; nearly 90% of the U.S. population is expected to live in urban areas by 2050. The New York-Newark metro area is the nation’s most p […]
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PSY 2404 – Personnel and Organizational Psychology
Theory and techniques of personnel problems in industry and business. Dynamics of individual and group behavior in work situations, selection, evaluation methods, interviewing and leadership development. The […]
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CST2312 HD32 Sp23- Information and Data Management I (Data Science)
This course introduces students to the necessary informatics and intellectual tools to become efficient and effective information users. The course covers topics related to digital infrastructure, acquisition, […]
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An introduction in words, images, and moving pictures.
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