Who I Am

My name is Michelle Ramirez! I am a freshman in college. I wish to become a lawyer, which is why I chose to major in Law and Paralegal Studies. My plan is to be able to get a career in criminal justice law. Once i’m able to do that I would like to go back to school and be able to study civil rights law which is what i’m most passionate about. I’ve witness a lot of injustice happen right in front of me and it made me want to dedicate myself to being a voice to those who feel like they don’t have any. I’m really interested in working in activism. I had the luxury of interning with the New York Civil Liberties Union which helped me expand my knowledge as well as work with other activist and set up meeting with senators to help create a change. I also really love music! I was in my high schools symphony orchestra and I played Violin. I’ve been playing music for 5 years. I also play piano and clarinet! During quarantine i’ve picked up many hobbies such as embroidery and painting!

2 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Hello, Michelle! My name is Tevin. Not going to lie, you got me at when you said you play the violin. I love the Violin, and equally love listening to music involving the instrument as well. I’m jealous of you!!! I have a guitar in my room that I got as a gift a few years ago (that I never use) and can’t see myself using it either due to difficulty, lol. I also see that you have an interest in civil law, which is coincidentally one of the fields I’m interested in as well! It is very nice to meet you and we’ll all get through online school together!

  2. Thanks Michelle! Wow you have a strong artistic side, that’s a great balance to the practice of law. As we discussed, I hope you’ll continue your activist work here at City Tech. There are many opportunities, and many needs for strong advocates for important causes! I hope you’re enjoying our course. Prof. C.

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