The point this article is trying to convey is that social media is almost like an addictive drug. It shows us different points, one of them being FOMO, which means fear of missing out, social media makes you feel like you’re missing out on the world so it draws you in more to find out what is going on. Another point they make is the idea of having a notification number that pretty much alerts you that something is going on in the site. Especially when you have facebook as an app this number is more apparent because it appears as a red icon drawing you in even more. Finally there is also the idea of the network effect which basically says that the more people are connected on a site, the more valuable the site becomes. This is seen with the amount of people using facebook and also if anyone remembers myspace, back when it was one of the most popular social medias and then people switched to facebook and dropped the whole idea of myspace. This article really shows us in different key points on how social media is doing more bad than good in our lives, it shouldn’t feel like we can’t live without social media.


  1. rmichals

    You summarized the first article. You clearly grasp the main point of the article which is that social media is engineered to be addictive. And the idea of the network becoming more valuable as more people use it.

    So how to you show those ideas in an image?

    And what about the second article?


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