COMD3504 - Section HD61 - Spring 2022

Author: Jaylah Jones (Page 1 of 2)

Assignment 9

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Thus we find ourselves immediately at the heart of the most important problem facing the semiology of images; a fancy way of saying our heart is always imagining?
Thus from both sides, the image is felt to be weak in respect of meaning; our perspective on the image can be many different perspectives not everyone may see it as “weak”
Points I liked in the passage
e, evoking the memory of innumerable alimentary paintings sends us to an aesthetic signified: the”nature morte” or, as it is better expressed in other languages, the “still I’fe”3; the knowledge on which this sign depends is heavily cultural.

Polysemy poses the question of meaning and this question always comes through as a dysfunction, even if this dysfunction is recuperated by society as a tragic

Hence in every society, various techniques are developed intended to fix the floating chain of signifieds in such a way as to counter the terror of uncertain signs; the linguistic message is one of these techniques.

; the text directs the reader through the signifieds of the image

The distinction between the literal message and the symbolic message was operational

Unfamiliar vocabulary

denoted, is a cclcJed message




Spacial immediacy

Definitively unsurpassable


assignment 7

I read McLuhan’s influential 1964 book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man which I learned engaging with media basically is a form of extending ourselves because it involves our personal energy also “configure the awareness and experience of each one of us may be perceived in another connection” said psychologist C. G. Jung. Technology may also bring hazards to individuals because of the lack of control everyone has over it. Everything has its pros and cons, technology does offer electric speed along with new information and new patterns of information. 

Media has shaped history, however that also came with industrial technology and its political consequences. People have spiritual and cultural reservations towards technology, The effects of technology isnt affected by opinions and concepts, it alters perception. So artists that understand and are serious are usually the only people able to encounter technology with impunity, because they are an expert so hey understand the importance of changes within perception. 

The new media and technologies, we amplify and extend ourselves involve a  huge collective surgery carried out on the social body with complete disregard for antiseptics. If the operations are needed, the inevitability of infecting the whole system during the operation has to be considered. New technology is like a new operation on society The area of impact and incesion is numb. 

assignment 4

After reading these articles, the importance of art history and typography was discussed thoroughly. The broad importance of art has been declared ongoingly in many different ways, however, time is such an important factor to consider when discussing such because of the revisions throughout time. Revisions are made with shapes, colors, typography, etc all the time forever and always. For example, in Bayers article, states,” the history of our alphabet and any probing into its optical effectiveness expose a lack of principle and structure, precision and efficiency that should be evidenced in this important tool.” The alphabet has been played around with for years and has visually been changed which also redefines typeface a well.

In addition, the education system has the power to control the way people think academically and mix it with creativity to form a more progressive way of thinking. For example, in Gropius’s article it states,” This training opens the way for creative powers of the individual, establishing a basis on which different individuals can cooperate without losing their artistic independence.” This was a eye-opener for me as I never thought of a technique like this that can be utilized as a form of education and may help students understand the power of knowledge from another perspective. The power of art and academics is a significant way of communication and expression that is used in everyday life today and forever, it should be taught and spoken about more often. 

Assignment 3

  The authors in the readings seemed to envision their future in different formats however they all were creatively driven which led to the difference they made in graphic design. The future for technology was always being made with the help of engineering work which the authors had a background experience in which basically helped with their involvement in art. They imagined the future of art would lead to printing from movable type, photographic art etc. Art previously had a system of inventions that at the time are deemed special and important, however as time goes on it is seen as an exhausting theme and then future improvements are made. With technical improvement, high achievements in the art field are made. 

  The reading “Who we are”, states, “We didn’t create technology. We didn’t create man. but we, Artists yesterday constructors today, 1. we processed the human being 2. we organize technology 1. we discovered”  Here it helped me realize how authors think technically with inventions and ideas. They have ideas that ordinary people don’t just get, they see things and think of what would make it better, they think then create. 

In “The Futurist Manifesto” it was interesting to read about how museums and the stories that come with them. In the reading, it states,” What can you find in an old picture except for the painful contortions of the artist trying to break uncrossable barriers which obstruct the full expression of his dream?” People just crows around a piece some may be uninterested and may express it on their face also some may be the opposite. That’s the beauty in art in everyone’s eyes it is visually represented in many different ways. The admiration for art is within everyone and is expressed in many ways.

Assignment 2

In the readings assigned there were many important key factors that come to play when discussing the usage in language and communication. Language is a term used for vocal spoken activities that include an inner image as well. Language comes in many different forms and may or may not be understood depending on the person. However, proper language can be understood and conducted. 

In addition symbols and icons are related to language because these symbols usually abbreviate a word or meaning. For example, roman numerals are a language and include icons as well as symbols that people communicated with. The pre-alphabetic system was a common style of writing. Signs, signifiers, and signified are used in general along with graphic communication because it represents a span; which is a line. The system of symbols is an important factor in the understanding of language although the language is a system of arbitrary signs and the lack of necessary basis. 

Language plays a huge role in design because an art form is a type of language as the artist use imagery and visual connections to elaborate a specific theory or idea. The audience uses their language to decode pieces of art and graphic to outcome a reason of the visual. The language will continuously be a part of the design world. There are things design does that language cannot like consist of a three-dimensional feature such as shape and surface to use as a form of elaboration. Whereas language has a principle of construction. 

Language and design are related especially in today’s time because language is seen as a tool for communication and the design scene is a visual language, both consisting of elements that form a language.

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