People and society have been shaped through many different methods, whether with minor or major effects. One of the articles this week, titled “The Medium is the Massage” has the writer express their own interpretation on the concept that can have both positive and negative effects.

One of the ideas mentioned in the article is how exactly people are changed when exposed to media. Similar to how the concept of communication is done through media, communication itself can also change throughout time. In what I feel is both a positive and negative suggestion, is how quickly influenced society can be with the consumption of media to where it is possible older media can become obsolete in favor of newer ones. In a way this can be an extreme observation even with how human are shaped both physical and psychic by media, but it is an interesting observation especially with how we consume different art and ideas.

While I do agree with how we learn and perceive utilize concepts such as words and meanings in certain ways as the article explains, I also do not agree with how the writer’s ideas of how much rapidly society and humans’ mindset will change with media consumption. It is an interesting article to look into through my understandings, even with how media is consumed by today’s modern era.