Author Archives: Yimei Han

Yimei _Self-Evaluation

For my final project, I want to take pictures of people. So I went to Coney Island which is the perfect spot for me. Because it is the closest place near my home packed with people and it’s one of … Continue reading

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Yimei Han_5/3_Photo description

The dramatic contrast between light and dark in this photograph make it stands out. I like how the light hits on the subjects’ dominant eye. And I also captured by his expression. He seems shock by something he was looking … Continue reading

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Yimei Han_4/12_Chelsea Exhibition

Scenes from the blackout Stan Douglas David Zwirner gallery located at 525 W 19th St. Manhattan, exhibits 10 pieces of Stan Douglas photographs which entitled Scenes from the Blackout. They are scenes of New York City around the 1980s include … Continue reading

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Yimei Han_3/22

We were trying to do the spilt light on the dark hallway. It’s pretty hard to get spilt light because there are lights on the hallway ceiling. So we need to find right angle in order not to frame other … Continue reading

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Yimei Han_03/08

For this photograph I set the flash to “M” and half stop. I also added a filter to bounce the light to his face which created a soft light instead of turning the flash towards him.

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Yimei Han_3/1Multiple Exposure

We set the shutter speed to ten second and use the external flash light to capture each of her motion when he moves in the frame.This is the best one I got, it’s the most sharpe one I took today.

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Yimei_Light Portraits2/22

For this photo I use butterfly light which could make the model looks charm. Also his expression is natural and he seems really happy.

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2/15 Jack and Jill

The light is at 45 degree of this photograph, it focused on the stuffed animal almost created a spot light on the main subject matter.  Also, the dark background and the dark shadow around the subject created a dramatic contrast … Continue reading

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For this photo I did use shallow depth of field to focus on the shoe brand and burred out the background to make the shoe stand out in this photograph.

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Yimei Han

The photo series I picked from New York Times Lens Blog is A Father, A Son, A Disease, and A Camera. We can get the story from the title even we haven’t seen the photos. It is a story about … Continue reading

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