HW 1: Describing a Visual Story

HW1: Post a description of a visual story from the New York Times Lens Blog to OpenLab.

Review the composition tips from the Steve McCurry video:


  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Leading Lines
  3. Diagonals
  4. Framing
  5. Figure to Ground
  6. Fill the Frame
  7. Center Dominant Eye
  8. 8. Pattern and Repetition
  9. Symmetry

Select a story form the New York Times Lens Blog from the following choices:

  1. These Dreamlike Portraits Explore LGBTQ Identity in India
  2. Grasping Rio’s Beauty and Tragedy
  3. A Photographer captures his community in a changing Chicago Barrio
  4. A Father, A Son, A Disease, and A Camera
  5. Robot’s Have Existential Crises, Too

Write a 500 words description about how the photographer tells the story including

What is the title and what does it tells you before you even look at the photos?

What kinds of photographs are in the story? Long shot, close ups, people, places things?

What is the sequence of these photographs? Would the story be different if they were in another order?

What are some of the formal characteristics that are consistent in this photographer’s work? How do they help the photographer tell the story?

Select a photo that you love from the series and describe it in detail including the subject matter and the composition and lighting. Use as many terms from above as are relevant.

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