Faculty participating in the Model Course Training are responsible for completing the following.
- Review instructional materials presented in these modules. (Due July 15th)
- Communicate with your faculty team, mentors, and other program participants; ask questions. (Due July 15th, on-going)
- Collect, adapt, and align your course materials with the model course template provided, the College’s credit hour policy, and the recommended Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices. (July 8th-August 3rd)
- Populate and organize the model course template with collected and adapted course materials. (Due August 3rd)
- Request feedback, review model course sites by other participants, and finalize site. (August 3rd-7th)
- Test “Shared Cloning” of model course site and notify Faculty Mentor(s) of bugs or support requests. (Due August 7th)
- Prepare instructions for faculty who will be using the model course in the upcoming semester and beyond. (August 7th)
- Complete the Model Course Development Checklist (Due August 10th)
- Submit the model course site for peer review by the department faculty mentor. (Due August 10th)