Tag: WEEK 2

Eduardo Mendez Project 1 – Editorial Illustration Brief: How American Got Mean

Article: How American Got Mean

By: David Brooks

SOURCE: The Ones We Sent Away

Why did I choose this Article? The reason why I choose this Article,” How America Got Mean”, because David Brookes argues the reason is that in a culture devoid of moral education, generations are growing up in a morally inarticulate, self-referential world. So this article tells you that it is idea to tell the truth story goes with ambitious, essential reporting and storytelling.

WHAT IS THE MARKET YOUR ILLUSTRATION. IS INTENDED TO REACH? The Market of my Illustration, I see is everything tragedy happened in the article, such as illegal drugs like smoking and drinking alcohol. Also people were being rude and disrespect to each others, like racism, sexism, and abuse, and make them very depression and cause them to commited suicide. Last is crime, for doing something illegal, like selling drugs, guns, and stealing stuff like money, and everything is seems cause holocaust. It is intended to reach, that everything happened in the article is much worst.

What does the this illustrations tells you? According to this illustration, the shattered American means that the United States is been a disaster. How this country is a disaster? According to the Article “ Why have Americans become so sad? The rising deaths of despair from drugs, alcohol, and suicide.” This means that people were negative causing dangerous things, like drugs, beer, and killing themselves, people of America are grieving and misery and sounds like everything seems apocalypse. 

How does the Illustration I intend to create fit the market you want to reach? The illustration I intend to create fits the market I want to reach, is They say what happened in the article was a disaster. So they mention, that there were Drugs, alcohol, and suicide. Second, in high school, students report persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness approximately 26% in 2009 to 44% in 2021, which might called “depression.” Another reason why American is mean is rude or cruel behavior once a week at the restaurant, which is considered “hatred.” Third, awful happened in 2020, there was a far extreme meanness, and hate crimes to their highest level in 12 years, murder rates have been surging, at least until recently, cause criminal has weapons. Fourth, they mention “mass shootings”, people involved in a sort of emotional, relation, and spiritual crisis, and it undergirds our political dysfunction and a general crisis of democracy. It is different social observations have offered different stories to explain the rise of hatred, anxiety, and despair. Last, the two names mentioned in the article, are people who would never want to go back to training methods for a long time, as many are “Racism” and “Sexism”. Racism is people have different color, however, white people threaten other race, because other race is not allowed in white people’s place, like Ruby Bridge. Last is Sexism, meaning all men are typically against women on the basis of sex, which means that a lot of men are disrespectful to women, like abuse and threats, which explains the mentions of this article. In conclusion, the illustration I intend to create to fit the market is 10 names of bad things and events in this article.

Explain my thinking process for my thumbnails. My thinking process for my thumbnails is that I read of this article, that explaining to what disaster happened, causing the America were grief and misery, and people were dying.

Article: How American Got Mean

By: David Brooks

SOURCE: The Ones We Sent Away

Why did I choose this Article? The reason why I choose this Article,” How America Got Mean”, because David Brookes argues the reason is that in a culture devoid of moral education, generations are growing up in a morally inarticulate, self-referential world. So this article tells you that it is idea to tell the truth story goes with ambitious, essential reporting and storytelling.

WHAT IS THE MARKET YOUR ILLUSTRATION. IS INTENDED TO REACH? The Market of my Illustration, I see is everything tradegy happened in the article, such as illegal drugs like smoking and drinking alcohol. Also people were being rude and disrespect to each others, like racism, sexism, and abuse, and make them very depression and cause them to commited suicide. Last is crime, for doing something illegal, like selling drugs, guns, and stealing stuff like money, and everything is seems cause holocaust. It is intended to reach, that everything happened in the article is much worst.

What does the this illustrations tells you? According to this illustration, the shattered American means that the United States is been a disaster. How this country is a disaster? According to the Article “ Why have Americans become so sad? The rising deaths of despair from drugs, alcohol, and suicide.” This means that people were negative causing dangerous things, like drugs, beer, and killing themselves, people of America are grieving and misery and sounds like everything seems apocalypse. 

How does the Illustration I intend to create fit the market you want to reach? The illustration I intend to create fits the market I want to reach, is They say what happened in the article was a disaster. So they mention, that there were Drugs, alcohol, and suicide. Second, in high school, students report persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness approximately 26% in 2009 to 44% in 2021, which might called “depression.” Another reason why American is mean is rude or cruel behavior once a week at the restaurant, which is considered “hatred.” Third, awful happened in 2020, there was a far extreme meanness, and hate crimes to their highest level in 12 years, murder rates have been surging, at least until recently, cause criminal has weapons. Fourth, they mention “mass shootings”, people involved in a sort of emotional, relation, and spiritual crisis, and it undergirds our political dysfunction and a general crisis of democracy. It is different social observations have offered different stories to explain the rise of hatred, anxiety, and despair. Last, the two names mentioned in the article, are people who would never want to go back to training methods for a long time, as many are “Racism” and “Sexism”. Racism is people have different color, however, white people threaten other race, because other race is not allowed in white people’s place, like Ruby Bridge. Last is Sexism, meaning all men are typically against women on the basis of sex, which means that a lot of men are disrespectful to women, like abuse and threats, which explains the mentions of this article. In conclusion, the illustration I intend to create to fit the market is 10 names of bad things and events in this article.

Explain my thinking process for my thumbnails. My thinking process for my thumbnails is that I read of this article, that explaining to what disaster happened, causing the America were grief and misery, and people were dying.

Week 2 | Sep 7


  • Warm Up Activity
  • Discuss the Reading Nuts & Bolts Ch 1
  • Student Presentations of Homework Assignment 1 (Getting to Know You)

Students have 5 minutes to present: a. Select 2-3 works from 3 artists that are a major influence on your work, or whose career you admire. b. Select 3 of your best pieces of artwork to discuss. c. Please be prepared to speak about how you were influenced, and how that influence is manifested in your current work and what you want to do in this industry.

  • 10-minute Break
  • LECTURE  Editorial Illustration (PDF in Resources)
  • Introduce Project 1
  • Sterling Hundley on Idea Generation
  • 10-minute break
  • INTRODUCE Illustration Heroes Research Assignment
  • Studio – In-Class Research (find an editorial to illustrate/begin your google doc).


  2. Illustration Heroes Google Doc  (See Below)
  3. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery.   Consider what kind of work you’d like to be hired to make.  DRAW THAT.
  4. Read: Nuts & Bolts Chapter 2
  5. Read: Idea Generation – Jillian Tamaki
  6. Watch Sterling Hundley on Idea Generation
  • If you have not already done so, Join OPENLAB & share your EPortfolio.
  • DISCUSS the readings – in Week 2 Discussion on Course Profile
  • Come next week ready to WORK IN CLASS on your project.


Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn from researching these hero illustrators.  Include things like:

  • Client List
  • Art Directors
  • Markets they work in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
  • Specific Themes or Subjects they are known for (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
  • Specific Techniques? Hand Lettering for example