Category: Sketchbook

Article & Sketches For Project De La Cruz, T.

Article Title: “Refugee and Migrant Crisis 

Resource:  OXFAM International


Why did you choose this article?

I chose this article because it discussed the issue that has always been a heavily argued subject around the U.S., the migrant crisis. As an immigrant, I can relate to the situation of having to flee your homes in order to protect your family or in fear of losing your life. I want to discuss a subject that is current, relatable, and can use as much support as it can get.  

What is the market for your illustration? Is it intended to reach?

The market for my illustrations are immigrants, refugees, and any other person in the U.S. who are seeking information on the current crisis that is taking place all around the world. The ideal median to place my work will be in an editorial magazine that supports asylum seeking and immigration.

How does the illustration you intend to create fit the market you want to reach?

My illustrations are meant to invoke emotion through shapes, signs, and symbols that can be understood by anyone in the world while also suggesting a need for change. 

Explain your thinking process for your thumbnails.

My thinking process for my thumbnails started with a brainstorming of words related to my subject, “Immigration Crisis and Asylum Seekers”, but still required necessary research to inform myself on the subject. After reading the article of my choosing, it was clear the position I would take would require me to discuss heavy topics. Therefore, I decided to use strategies such as repetition and the rule of thirds to address my subject’s point. 

Life Drawing in New York

Since we are in New York City artists have many options to improve their life drawing skills by drawing from a model outside of this class.  The only way to improve your drawing is to practice!  Practicing our craft is VITAL!  Take advantage of the resources in our city!






The New York Society of Illustrators is an incredible resource for up and coming commercial artists.  The sketch night is a great way to get to know this institution.  Its lively with great models, live music, pro illustrators, and often comes with FOOD!  This one is wonderful and is the cheapest option I’ve found for students!













Shoestring Studio is a membership-based art studio serving painters, draftsmen, illustrators, and other artists in need of workspace, community, and shared resources. Their primary mission is to provide affordable, accessible workspace for artists in Crown Heights and the greater Brooklyn area.  They host figure drawing sessions several days per week at a very affordable rate.  You do not need to be a member to attend.  Be sure to ask about student discounts!




Hello Class!

Since we are all HOME now, the “Extra Credit” you would’ve received for physically attending life drawing outside of class will no longer be possible.

So no extra credit for outside of class figure drawing practice.  Instead this is now a part of our REQUIRED course work.

Please visit LINE OF ACTION.COM weekly and do a minimum of one 30 minute session per week.  Each time you do this, post in the SKETCHBOOK Section of this site.

Title your post with the week, and choose ANYTHING to practice.  Animal, Environments, Hands, Feet, etc.  You’ll see options there on the site.   You may add to your 30 minute session with at home practice and drawing from observation.

line of action








So like this:  WEEK 9 Figure Drawing Practice


A brief description of what you focused on.   Include your 3 favorite images.  Be mindful to take GOOD, well lighted pictures if you can’t scan.  Be mindful to LIMIT file sizes!  No breaking Openlab!

I’ll also be trashing each group of posts after about 2 weeks.  So go ahead and throw you very best work from the whole semester into an Online Sketchbook on your openlab portfolio site.  Eventually you might share this sketchbook with prospective clients!