Week Five Homework

Comps for Project 2: Letterhead, Biz Card, and Envelope

Take your best rough and develop it using InDesign. You will need to have files for the envelope, the letterhead, and the business card.


Well-developed: I will not accept quickly thrown-together chicken scratch


Go to the class website, https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/clarkeadv1161/. Read the following sections:

  • Principles > Repetition
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Week Four Homework

Roughs of Your Business Card, Letterhead, and Envelope Ideas

Take your 3 best thumbnail sketches and rework them into larger roughs–no need to worry about final size, just make sure they are developed and neat. Remember that the each component  has 2 sides on which you can design.


  • Black and white: pencil is preferred, pen is acceptable
  • Well-developed: I will not accept quickly thrown-together chicken scratch

Go to the class website, https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/clarkeadv1161/. Read the following sections:

  • Principles > Alignment


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Handout: Mounting work

Here you go. Handout

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Inches to Picas

Here is the link

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Week Three Homework

Final Poster

Using InDesign, create a 11” x 17” or 17” x 11” poster (tabloid size).


  • Black and white
  • Well-developed: the design needs to be the best you can do for the idea you have developed over the last three weeks.
  • Printed out, trimmed down, and mounted like I showed you in class.

Quiz next week
Study the vocabulary list I gave out in class. Be ready for a quiz next week. You will also be asked to perform some tasks in InDesign that we have gone over in class.

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Week Two Homework

Comps of Your Poster Ideas

Develop 2 polished sketches of your poster ideas: using InDesign, create 11’ x 17’ or 17’ x 11’ comps of your designs.

Have these ready as PDFs for the critique.


  • Black and white
  • Well-developed, showing that you tried several solutions and that you listened to the critique you received in class.

Go to the class website, https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/clarkeadv1161
Read the following sections:
Principles > Balance

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Week One Homework

Overview of Project 1: Poster
Black and white, purely typographic in nature. May be 11″x17″ or 17″x11″. Here is a selection of fonts with which to work: Lost Type

Homework: Roughs of Your Poster Ideas

Take your 3 best thumbnail sketches and rework them into half-sized roughs—that means you need to work within a space that is 5.5” x 8.5” or 8.5” x 5.5” since the final pieces will be 11” x 17” or 17” x 11”. Take into account the critique you received in class.


  • Black and white: pencil is preferred, pen is acceptable
  • Well-developed: I will not accept quickly thrown-together
  • chicken scratch
  • The roughs need to be 5.5” x 8.5” or 8.5” x 5.5” in size

Go to the class website, https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/clarkeadv1161/. Read the following sections:

  • Principles > Emphasis
  • Skill Workshops > Drawing/Sketching


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I am Libby Clarke, and I will be teaching Publication Media this semester.

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