Intro to Design Principles

The most important element on the page should be the most prominent. Emphasis indicates the most important element on the page based on the message. The most emphasized visual element in a design is called a focal point because it attracts the viewer’s attention first.

Visual elements on a page should look distinctly different from one another. Contrast stresses the visual differences in size, shape, and color between the elements to enhance the perception of an intended message. It also draws and directs attention to specific areas of information.

The distribution of visual elements on a page in order to achieve a pleasing and clear layout. There is symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. Symmetrical elements are arranged equally on both sides of a composition suggest a stable or static motion. Asymmetrical elements create a deliberate imbalance to suggest variety or dynamic movement.

The visual connection among words, graphics, images, shapes, and lines on a page where their edges or axes line up with each other.

Repeating lines, images, colors, textures, and other visual elements within a page helps establish a unified cohesive design. It can also add a sense of controlled sophistication to the design.

The visual and verbal path of movement that a viewer’s eye follows through a page or sequence of pages

It is achieved when all the design elements relate to one another and project a sense of completeness. A viewer will always seek unity in a message. Without it, the viewer will lose interest.

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