Monthly Archives: April 2012

Master pages exercise

Here is a file for  you to download.

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Comps of Magazine Pages

You will be designing the following: A magazine cover (1 page) A table of contents page (1 page) Cover article spread (2 Pages) Page size: 1280 x 800 pixels We will produce a print version, but the final version will … Continue reading

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Homework for Week Eleven

Roughs for Magazine Layout You will be designing the following: A magazine cover (1 page) A table of contents page (1 page) Cover article spread (2 Pages) Page size: 1280 x 800 pixels We will produce a print version, but … Continue reading

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Homework for Week 10

Bring in your favorite magazines as we are going to start our last project for the semester!

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Local Printer to use

Remsen Graphics

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