Marketing 1214

Chala Jamison

Marketing  1214 

Dr. Dyce

October 24TH, 2020 



Marketing communication includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials, PR activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances, and more and on the other hand brand communication is an important part and tool of brand management by which the companies inform, persuade, enlighten, teach, remind, and enrich the knowledge of their stakeholders about the brand, its strengths, values, fundamentals, and its offerings of products and services. 


  Marketing is the manner in which manufactured goods are planned, verified, formed, patented, packet, priced, dispersed, and stimulated in the market. In other words, it is the activity, set of instructions and procedures for generating, collaborating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for the customers, partners, society, and clients. Marketing communication functions within a marketing framework. These options include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, and personal selling. 


The structure of the marketing industry consists of a complex set-up of specialists who are involved in the creation, production, delivering, and selling the manufactured products to the

ultimate customers. They are involved both as audiences for Marcom messages and as partners in delivering brand messages. The four categories of key players are (1) marketers; (2) marketing partners, such as advertising and public relations agencies; (3) suppliers and vendors; and (4) distributors and retailers. 


Answer: Marketing communication involves the use of a variety of tools and functions such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct response, etc. The four key marketing concepts are exchange, the marketing concept, competitive change, and added value. Marketers can use marketing communication to figure out customer feedback to develop products fulfilling customer wants and needs in products. The marketing mix, the four P’s, product, pricing, place, and promotion strategies allows marketers to identify their target market and then use that data to figure how to promote their product or service to them. 


Answer: Integrated marketing communication (IMC), which refers to the strategic use of multiple forms of communication to engage different types of consumers who have an interest in or connection to a brand, the practice of coordinating messages from all marketing communication tools as well as the messages from the marketing mix decisions. The integrated marketing process helps your brand create a distinct and recognizable voice across a variety of different channels.


Answer: Brand meaning is the one thing a brand has that can’t be copied. Competitors can make a similar product, but it’s difficult for them to make the same brand because brand meaning is built on a collection of personal experiences. To create brand meaning with your target audience, you need to create your brand values from the outside-in. You should know what the customer wants and what they value so you can be meaningful to them. On the other hand, Brand value creation means creating a brand promise of a valued, relevant, differentiated, trustworthy experience that is delivered consistently. Finally, this is related to brand equity because brand equity is a marketing term that describes a brand’s value. That value is determined by consumer perception of and experiences with the brand. If people think highly of a brand, it has positive brand equity. 


Answer: The general roles that advertising plays in society are 

1. Marketing 

2. Communication 

3. Economic 

4. Social 

And explaining them in the context of the 1984 commercial… 

Marketing and communication 

Provides information about a product, and can 

also transform a product into a distinctive brand by creating a brand image. It creates consumer demand and makes statements that reflect social issues and

trends. (1984 commercial created a personality for a computer, which made it stand out, compared to the other stern systems of computer brands 

Social and economic 

Invites people to ask questions to generate buzz as 

well as reinforce a high level of demand for the brand. The more people know about a product, the higher the sales, the less expensive the product. Advertising is the motor of a successful company…but it isn’t effective without trust…and ethics is critical to trust. The economic importance of advertising is a function of its social acceptance. Advertising is seen as a vehicle for helping consumers assess value through price cues and other information, such as quality, location, and reputation; whereas the emotional view explains how images and psychological appeals influence consumer decisions and decrease the likelihood a consumer will switch to an alternative product regardless of the price. Advertising teaches about new products and their use and exposes social issues such as computer literacy. It also presents images capturing the diversity of the world in which we live. (in the 1984 commercial it symbolically proclaimed the value of computer literacy for the rest of us, those who weren’t slaves to the hard to operate PC systems of the time. It helps us shape and image ourselves by setting up role models with which we can identify.) 


1. Strategy: Logic 

Behind an advertisement or any type of marketing 

communication message is stated in measurable objectives that focus on areas

such as sales, news, psychological appeals, emotion, branding, and brand 

reputation, as well as the position and differentiation of the product from the competition and segmenting and targeting the best prospects. 

2. Message: The concept behind a message and how that message is expressed is based on research and consumer insights with an emphasis on creativity and artistry. 

3. Media: Various media have been used by advertisers over the centuries including print (handbills, newspapers, and magazines, outdoor (signs and posters), broadcast (radio and television), and now digital media. Targeting ads to prospective buyers is done by matching their profiles to media audiences. 

4. Evaluation Based on strategic objectives and professional standards. Effectiveness means meeting the stated objectives. To determine if that has happened, evaluation methods must be planned into the strategy. Standards also are set by professional organizations and companies that rate the size and makeup of media audiences as well as advertising’s social responsibility. 

❏ 2-6. Trace the evolution of advertising and the current developments that shape the practice of advertising. In your opinion, what are the five most important changes that have shaped advertising as we know it today? 

 Advertisements came into the world in the 18th century. Firstly the advertisements are done through newspapers. As technology advanced, the business advertising also grew with it by mass production of printouts. Then came radio which added emotions and more creativity to advertising messages. Then came televisions which advertised the business products through sounds and action. The television advertising became famous by delivering messages to a smaller targeted audience. Advertising has evolved again. Program content has moved to the internet. Now advertising is growing fastly through youtube. This also provides what all ads the people want to see while skipping those uninterested ads. Advertisers only pay if their messages are viewed. With a click, viewers can instantly respond to the ad and can get more information or can make a purchase.

The five most changes which shaped the advertising are :

  • Advertisements of brands made the initial growth in the advertising fields.
  • The growth of the internet made a great number of possibilities.
  • The rise of videos through social networking sites made a dramatic change in the era of advertising which provides viewers the ability to skip if not interested.
  • Online shopping sites provided a new era of advertising.
  • The impact of these huge changes created an overall new change in the field of advertising.

❏ 2-7. Who are the four key players in the world of advertising, and what are the responsibilities of each? 

1. The advertiser (referred to by the agency as the client): Sponsors the message, represent a company, one promoting the product, the person or organization that “needs to get out a message” 

2. The agency: Independent from the company, 1. in house 2. outside advertising. 

3. The media: Composed of the channels of communication that carry the message from the advertiser to the audience. 

4. The suppliers (who provide expertise): The fourth stage player in the world of advertising is a group of service organizations that assist advertisers, advertising agencies and the media. 

❏ 2-8. We discussed five categories of agency jobs. Explain each one and identify where your own personal skills might fit. 

1. Account management 

●  team acts as a link between the client and agency. 

● The account executive interprets the client’s marketing research strategy for the agency.

2. Account planning and research 

● This team gathers market intelligence and acts as the voice of the consumer. ● Strategic specialists research consumers’ wants, needs and brand relationships. 3. Creative development and production 

● Includes copywriters, art directors, and producers. 

4. Media research, planning, and buying 

● Provides research, planning, buying services. 

5. Internal operations 

● Includes traffic, print production, finance, human resources. 

Internal operations is based on the idea that customers’ attitudes toward a company are based on their entire experience with that company and not just their experience with the company’s products. I am a sales person so I help customer’s experience . Customer satisfaction is on the performance of a sales person like me who represents the company . 


1. Globalization: The global economic and cultural conditions, government regulations, and communications media have become way more important. The biggest challenge today is cross-cultural communication. It has become difficult to determine the way to arrive at an intended message without creating cultural insensitivities or distortions. 

2. Latest Media Technology: Changes in media technology have significantly changed the meaning and consequences of familiar research constructs. With technological changes in the media, the old research measures have become invalid. It has become important for researchers to develop message strategies so that consumers could be reached effectively.

3. Internet and Virtual Research: Virtual research should be feasible enough to gather real-time information via online media and streaming video. The internet is a low cost and speedy tool used to gather research data online. 

4. Insightful analysis: Marketers are overloaded with information. Getting information is not as much a problem as it made sense. The challenge, therefore, is not information but intelligence. The research must interpret the findings accurately to uncover unexpected insights into consumers, goods, and the marketplace situation. 

Effective advertising reaches potential customers and informs them of your products or services. Ideally, advertising should capture prospective customers’ attention and entice them to use your product. Advertising must work with other marketing tools and business elements to be successful. 

❏ 3-3. 

Public opinion can be defined as the aggregate of individual beliefs or attitudes. It is important in building public relations because it helps an organization in understanding the views of the public and summing those views to reach a helps an organization in expanding internally and externally by enabling it in building effective public relations. 

❏ 3-4. 

Advertising is more creative , approaching customers directly.Both advertising and PR help build brands and communicate with target audiences. The most basic difference between them is that advertising space is paid while public relations results are earned through providing the media with information in the form of press releases and pitches.

❏ 3-5. 

● Paid media: The sponsoring organization pays for media and controls how and when the message is delivered. 

● Owned media: Channels owned and controlled by the sponsoring organization: websites, blogs, or sponsored events. 

● Earned media: Consumers and mass media control mentions and comments about the brand; the most credible media option. 


Public relations tools include sending out press releases, partnering with the media, using social media effectively, communicating with your employees, and corporate social responsibility. 


Integrated Marketing Communications is a concept that ensures all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together so that work is done in harmony. Social media has had a profound effect on public relations, creating new opportunities and challenges for brands. It allows brands and consumers to engage across a variety of channels in real-time, which has led to an increased demand for brands to address consumer inquiries quickly and effectively. Social media has changed the way companies are communicating with their consumers. With traditional marketing communications the content, frequency, timing, and media have been virtually controlled via the organization.



A basic communication model has five different components as follows :

  • Sender : Sender is the person who sends or give the message to the person in logical and systematic manner Sender is the person with different belief , values and personality.
  • Medium : Medium is the means that you have to communicate either through any media or there is face to face interaction as well as through e- mail, a telephone call or written letter.
  • Message : It means that an object of the communication that has been passed through in a systematic and logical manner.
  • Receiver : It is the person who receives the communicated message through proper medium so that further action has been taken in a logical and systematic manner.
  • Feedback :It is the form of message communicated in logical and systematic, the information should be provided in logical manner.

An evidence shows that the brand communication has been done through the same process and achieve the satisfaction of brand usage among the customer.Here, the sender is marketer, message is about an information and usage of the product, medium is through social media or advertising etc , receiver is target customer and feedback is higher sales and brand satisfaction among the customer.


To get direct feedback from customers and build brand loyalty with the customer. The customer can then also bring in a network of friends using word of mouth. Interactive communication is the building block of the customer-brand experience. It can determine the likelihood of repeat business and brand loyalty. 


Effective advertising creates six types of consumer responses:


1. Awareness: The Perception Facet // Consumers select messages to which they pay attention by using selective perception. 

2. Feel: The Affective or Emotional Facet // Affective responses mirror our feelings about something: anger, love, fear, hate. Affective describes something that stimulates wants, touches the emotions, and elicits feelings. 

3. Think/understand: The Cognitive Facet // Cognition refers to how consumers search for and make sense of information, and learn and understand something 

4. Connect: The Association Facet // Thoughts and feelings become linked to the brand through repetition of the message. 

5. Believe: The Persuasion Facet // Consumers agree with a message and achieve a state of certainty or belief about a brand. 

6. Act/Do: The Behavior Facet // Consumers respond by contacting the advertiser. 


When a customer recognizes a brand by simply by its packaging, odor, color, slogans or by the way it is being advertised, without its company name it is called brand recognition. The brand has become so famous, that it has an independent existence, from its company’s name. When the customer needs a particular product, they go for that particular brand only, which they recognize. It is a deliberate recognition of a brand, by its customers.

When a customer needs a particular product and he/she could only think of a specific brand for buying the product, it is called brand recall. Brand recall is deeply associated with a product. A customer can knowingly or unknowingly think of only a particular brand, of the product they are going to buy.

Difference between Brand recognition and brand recall are as follows-

1. Brand recognition is the identification of a brand by the customers from the various audio, video techniques of promotion used to promote the brand. Brand recall cannot be done without brand recognition ie. without recognizing the brand, nobody can recall it.

2. Brand recognition is a conscious effort of the customers to recognize a brand. Brand recall is done by the customers in both conscious and subconscious state of mind.

3. Brand recognition does not mean strong customer loyalty to the product. Brand recall means very strong customer loyalty towards the brand of the product. ie. The customer can remember the brand in the subconscious mind also


Answer: A measure of learning or understanding. One remembers the ad, the brand, and copy points and for feelings, brand messages can arouse a range of positive and negative emotions, and also If you like the ad, those positive feelings transfer to the brand. 


The basic difference is that market research is concerned with investigating markets while marketing research is concerned with investigating any issues related to marketing 


  Primary research is defined as factual, firsthand accounts of the study written by a person who was part of the study. The methods vary on how researchers run an experiment or study, but it typically follows the scientific method. One way you can think of primary research is that it is typically original research.

       Secondary research is defined as an analysis and interpretation of primary research. The method of writing secondary research is to collect primary research that is relevant to a writing topic and interpret what the primary research found. For instance, secondary research often takes the form of the results from two or more primary research articles and explains what the two separate findings are telling us.


Qualitative research is a type of educational research which uses descriptive data to observe and analyze the reasoning of the problem. The outcome obtained from this research type is a possible solution which is also situational and descriptive based on previous examples of the similar problem.

Quantitative research is more like specific reality as it uses numerical data and is often solved by applied statistics to solve variables and relationships between them. The outcome of this result is more accurate compared to the previous research type as it focuses mainly on a certain amount or a quantity within a given range.

Experimental research is a quantitative research type where the amount or outcome is expected within a certain range and it helps to know the possibility of the applied technique.



Survey Research 

•A quantitative method using structured interviews to ask a large number of people the same set of questions. 

•For accuracy, researchers select a random sample to represent the entire group, or population.


•Can be conducted in person, by phone, by mail, or online 

In-depth interviews 

•A qualitative method using one-on-one interviews asking open-ended questions. •Interviews are more flexible and unstructured. 

•Smaller sample sizes mean that results cannot be generalized to the population. 

– We can clearly observe that survey research uses a quantitative method and in-depth interviews uses a qualitative method. 



– Focus Groups can Lead to Consumer Insights. 

– In-depth interviews are conducted one-on-one with open-ended questions that permit the interviewee to give thoughtful responses. 

– The term observational research is used to refer to several different types of non-experimental studies in which behavior is systematically observed and recorded. – Ethnographic research should be used in the early stages of user-focused systematic investigations. This is because ethnography research helps you to gather useful information. 

– An expert panel gathers experts from various fields into a focus group setting. This research tool can stimulate new ways of looking at a brand, product, or customer pattern.


– Diaries are valuable in media research because they tell planners exactly what programs and ads consumers watched. 

❏ 6-8.

1. Reliability is the extent to which the procedure used for measurement give the same results irrespective of who , how or when does it.

Validity is the extent to which the measured value matches with the actual value

Triangulation means using multiple methods and diverse approaches to arrive at an answer in order to test its validity / reliability

In research, both quantitative and qualitative, the aim is to achieve reliability and validity of the research and cross-checking them using triangulation to establish the reliability and validity

It is important that the research is documented and presented in a manner which allows comparison with other results of other researches so that the reliability can be established. A reliable research builds the confidence to act upon the findings

Validity is the accuracy of the findings. Accuracy is generally higher in qualitative research than quantitative research, since some margins of Type -I or Type -II errors may be present in statistical establishment of a fact. However, as long as the findings are within the accepted confidence level, the results can be considered valid.

Triangulation is an integral part of research. Reliability of data is established by repetition. However, using the same procedure again and again may lead to dependence on the same errors, if any committed. Hence the results are aimed to be replicated using different methods, generally at least three. Mathematically, results derived through three methods are more accurate to reality.

To summarize  Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research. They indicate how well a method, technique or test measures something. Reliability is about the consistency of a measure, and validity is about the accuracy of a measure. It’s important to consider reliability and validity when you are creating your research design, planning your methods, and writing up your results, especially in quantitative research



Book: Advertising & IMC, Principles & Practice, 11e 

Advertising vs. Public Relations-What is the Difference? (2016, January 11). Retrieved October 23, 2020, from 

Brand Equity Definition – What is Brand Equity. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2020, from 

3 Ways Social Media Has Changed Public Relations. (2020, September 10). Retrieved October 23, 2020, from