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In the year of 2020 the online resale market grew according to the Vogue article “Why I’m Committing to Shopping Vintage 2021 by Lilah Ramzi. Ramzi writes that the resale market grew by 27 percent. The Real Real, consignment shops , was interviewed by Ramzi and reported that it was a 27 percent increase in new consignors .Yet the only issue is that the real real is not able to meet the demands and not able to produce more clothing.Glady Ramzi  states  that more people now are wearing vintage clothing and accepting second hand clothing . One more issue with second hand clothing is that there are limitations due to the fact that it is someone’s old clothing so therefore a person will not be able to say I want to purchase this in this exact size Ramzi, L. (2021 ,January) . According to Ramzi  Eco-Age  a communication and consulting agency states people are purchasing items 60 percent more and the garments that are bought are kept for short periods of time meaning that many consumers are putting unwanted garments in landfill .Yet vintage clothing is used and not thrown in landfill in the good of the environment.

Ramzi, L. (2021 ,January). Why I’m committing to shopping Only vintage in 2021. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from https://www.vogue.com/article/vintage-for-2021