Class Info

  • Date: Wednesday, 5/3
  • Meeting Info: Voorhees V-305

To-Do Before Class

  • Project 2 – Drawings
    • Preliminary plan and 2 sections for review next class
  • Daily Sketches (5 minimum) – Design Development
    • As you develop your projects, you should be sketching and posting to Miro…


  • Project 2 – Developing Drawings


  • Drawing Development
    • Students will have 1.5 hours to produce one plan (to scale) including a seating layout, and two preliminary sections (sketches) to present in class
    • Must also include a brief written description of your project, to pin up along side your drawings
    • Professor to review one on one with each student
  • In class presentations
    • Each student will have 5 minutes to present their projects to the class
    • Students will vote on the most comprehensive presentation
      • Student with the most votes will get extra credit

To-Do After Class

  • Project 2 – Drawings
    • Final Plan (or plans if multiple levels) + 2 sections
    • Hardline drafted, to scale (3/8″ = 1′-0″)
  • Daily Sketches (5 minimum) – 3D Views
    • 5 preliminary 3D views or your project (can be axonometric or perspective sketches)
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