Class Info

  • Date: Wednesday, 3/8
  • Meeting Info: Voorhees V-305

To-Do Before Class

  • Daily Sketches (5 minimum) – Your choice
    • Choose anything to sketch, but as always, 5 sketches minimum
  • Kohl Drawings:
    • Finish the elevations, plan, and building sections and be ready to review together next class


Introduction to Architectural Drawings: Axonometric


  • Pin Up
    • Review plans + sections together on the board
  • Basics of 3D drawing
    • Perspective vs axonometric drawing
    • In class drawing exercise
  • Kohl Axon
    • Learn how to use the measurements and building elevations and floor plan to set up the axonometric drawing
  • See links below for recordings of previous in-class drawing demonstrations:
One point perspective
Two point perspective
Three point perspective
Axonometric basics
Axonometric diagrams

To-Do After Class

  • Daily Sketches (5 minimum) – 3D drawing
    • Choose 5 objects in your to sketch. Provide 2 sketches of each object – one in perspective, and one in axonometric
  • Kohl Drawings:
    • Finish all drawings (plan, sections, elevations, axon) and be ready to review together next class
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