Class Info

  • Meeting ID: 951 3249 7520
  • Passcode: 123123

To-Do Before Class

  • In your sketchbook
    • Make a drawing from a photograph of a complex rectilinear building (Robie House, Fallingwater, Unity Temple, for example)
    • Draw a coffee mug, cooking pot, chair, table, or other simple object in your home from multiple points of view (5 sketches)
  • Look up the vocabulary words below and be prepared to discuss them next class.
  • Scaled plan and 4 elevations of selected furniture piece
  • Submit sketches and drawings in PDF or Jpeg format


Vocabulary review / Introduction to architectural lettering and drafting


  • Review the vocab words above and understand their importance to architecture
  • Architectural lettering overview
  • Learn the relationships between architectural plans, sections, and elevations


To-Do After Class

  • Using two (2) 11×17 sheets:
    • Set up the title block on each sheet
      • All labels to use architectural letting
    • On sheet 1, draw the front and side elevations based on the measurements provided
    • Sheet 2 to have the back and opposite side
    • All elevations to be drawn at 1/4″ = 1′-0″
  • Submit progress drawings in PDF or Jpeg format and be ready to discuss with Professor Christo next class
    • Due Saturday, 10/3 by 12:00pm
    • Submit to Dropbox here