You have 2 hours. Return to the classroom by 1pm.

Search the downtown brooklyn neighborhood for one of the following:

  1. live performance of any kind (street performance)
  2. purpose-built or adapted theater (head to DUMBO’s St. Ann’s Warehouse or one of the theaters of Brooklyn Academy of Music)
  3. art gallery or public art installation (DUMBO is a good place to start)
  4. a building that has incorporated computerized media into the facade or interior design
  5. an iconic NYC built structure — a building (old or new) or any architectural structure that helps identify a neighborhood (urbeme) or New York City in general

Once you have identified the building, take a picture of it (or many), time tag the picture, and tag the photo with GPS coordinates. Send it to yourself and post it on OpenLab.

Return to the college and complete either Site Report I or II (depending on nature of object of study). Answer as many questions as possible. You may use the internet to conduct quantitative analysis. For questions that require qualitative analysis, use your powers of critical thinking. Post the completed Site Report with the photo.