homework due 12/1

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, December 1

goal: sequencing

objective: imply motion with sequencing

theme: motion

category: motion sketch

to do

    1. sketch
    2. comment
    3. finalize
    4. upload

1. sketch


use your final poster design

how can motion help to covey your influencer’s philosophy?

decide what you will emphasize through motion

      1. sketch by hand to show 2 examples
      2. each animation has 5 steps
        1  start with your first step
        2. add your climax at the 4th step
        3. your 5th step should lead to your first step
        4. add your 2nd and 3rd steps to complete the transition to your climax
      3. Upload to OpenLab category: motion sketch
      4. Upload to Miro







need ideas? Hold your phone over this icon to see an animation






Example of animation sketch:

motion animation example


Want to try to create your own?  Try  Biteable. it’s free

2. comment

on 2 students’ animation

3. finalize


    1. finalize resume
    2. use one or two typefaces ONLY
    3. use three levels of hierarchy
    4. post on OpenLab category: resume
    5. list the name of the typefaces that you are using
    6. post on Miro—in a frame under the resume heading

4. upload poster to Google Drive

Save your poster as a jpg.

Correctly name and upload the poster folder on Google Drive for grading

folder: gd2_f2021_poster

Correctly name files: course and section_season year_project name_your last name_first name

For example: comd1200_hd52_f21_poster_smith_amy

please use lower case for naming


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