Homework due 11/24

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, November 24

goal: create a resume
objective: communicate with typography
theme: resume

category: print poster

category: resume

to do

    1. revise
    2. comment
    3. complete

1. revise

poster: final poster for grading

criteria for grading:

    1. asymmetrical composition
    2. alignment
    3. hierarchy
    4. updates in each iteration
    5. post on OpenLab category: print poster

2. comment

on 2 students’ current work.

3. complete


    1. finalize resume
    2. use one or two typefaces ONLY
    3. use three levels of hierarchy
    4. post on OpenLab category: resume
    5. list the name of the typefaces that you are using
    6. post on Miro—in a frame under the resume heading


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