Homework Assignment: due 10/29

Due: 11:30, Friday, October 29

Objective: Explore the diversity of alignment to a grid structure.
Goal: Examine proportions.

category: type poster digital 2

To Do

    1. analyze
    2. design
    3. comment


1. analyze: design Influence

Embody the spirit of your designer.

Create a poster that will introduce your design influencer to viewers who are unfamiliar with your designer.

How does your influencer visually express their work?
typeface, structure, etc?


          • Your poster should visually present information that will give the viewer a sense of your designer’s philosophy, history, anecdotes, etc.
            Look at your designer’s use of typefaces, grid structure, etc.
          • Convey contemporary design. It should not look “retro.”
          • This is not a summary of your research: Make sure that your poster doesn’t look like it could have been created in Word
          • Take advantage of the large size and presentation capacity of the poster format

2. design:   

1. 11×17″
5 columns horizontal and 5 rows vertical NO margin or gutter

2. Decide on the elements you will use in your poster.
Text: Use your design influencers name and quote
Break text into smaller units to emphasize meaning

3. Text:
one quote
designer’s name
designer’s medium/genre (print, web, furniture, etc.)

4.  Choose an area of the page for your viewer to focus on
A.  Break text into smaller units to emphasize its meaning
B.  Choose a typeface that your designer would use
C.  Create alignments
Use the grid to define the placement of your elements.
Do NOT center!

5.  Use 3-4 levels of hierarchy

6.  Create 4 different compositions

7.  Save as jpg and upload to OpenLab
category: type poster digital 2

Need inspiration: https://www.typographicposters.com/


            1. grid
            2. asymmetry
            3. alignment
            4. hierarchy



3. comment: on two different posters


Have they defined the grid? You should be able to see exactly where the grid lines are located

Have they created hierarchy?

What are they communicating?


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