3 thoughts on “Carl Cabrall Homework Assignment: Week 3 Class 4

  1. CARL CABRALL Post author

    How do we see? By Tom Wujec

    In summary, Tom Wujec’s video in which he summarizes how we see the world (printed or in digital media), was very insightful. He reduced everything into four basic steps. Information goes through the eye, then to the retina, then to the primary visual cortex and then lastly, and interpretation. The visual cortex has the responsibility of sending the image being looked at to 30 different processing centers within the brain. Of these 30, he identified three in particular as being key to understanding how our brains perceive, understand and interpret, then respond to a graphic image. These three processing centers in the brain are the ventral stream, the dorsal stream, and the limbic system. These three systems combined, are the reason why a skillfully created graphic invites the eye to move around and inspect the design with the intention to respond emotionally or with some demonstrated action. A designer of digital media who understands these systems will pay attention to what he is creating, where the design elements are located, and the desired emotional response that one is attempting to invoke. The end result is to achieve a higher skill level as a designer in using images to clarify what is being communicated and to produce a level of interactivity that will impact the memory and actions of the viewer.

    1. Prof. Childers

      excellent assessment Carl.
      ** “A designer of digital media who understands these systems will pay attention to what he is creating, where the design elements are located, and the desired emotional response that one is attempting to invoke. The end result is to achieve a higher skill level as a designer in using images to clarify what is being communicated and to produce a level of interactivity that will impact the memory and actions of the viewer.”

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