Due: 11:30, Friday, September 10
Categories: figure-ground letter digital, interweave, & simple design
To Do
- refine your letter
- comment
- read & comment
- watch & comment
1 Refine: your letterform
- Create 6 new marker sketches of your figure-ground letter
- From the 6 sketches, choose 3 that have equal black and white.
Digitally create 2 variations of each for a total of 6.
Use a bold, heavy, or black font for your letter
Make each sketch approximately 6-inches square
Use any program. - Experiment with letter cropping, sizing, turning, etc until you achieve balance.
- Refine your letter until you have an equal amount of white and black space
- As you work, when you think that you have something close, save it as a jpg or a screenshot.
- Then work on the same image to further refine, save as jpg, refine more, etc
- When you finish, you should be able to show your process with the many different jpg versions of the same letter.
Instructions for cropping letterform
A video showing the digital figure/ground process is available
5 Choose your two best examples,
Make sure they are very different.
Examples of figure-ground studies
6 Label your work
• label one cropped letter: “figure-ground letter digital”
Use A, B, C etc to differentiate
7. Post your work:
- In the WordPress Dashboard, (on the left side of the screen) click on “Posts” > Add New to create a new post
- Name post “figure-ground letter digital_firstName lastName”
- In the WordPress Dashboard, (on the left side of the screen) click on “Posts” > Add New to create a new post
- Assign a category (the right side of the screen)
- Under “category sticky” choose “Homework Completed“
- Under “Categories” choose “Homework Completed” and “figure-ground letter sketches” and “assignment posts” in the menu on the right side.
- Be sure to select “Homework Completed,” NOT “ Homework Assignments”
- Assign a category (the right side of the screen)
More info on adding a post:
2 comment: on 2 different student’s cropped letter posts
- Comment using the assignment criteria and the figure/ground relationship.
Give your assessment in terms of what is working or not clear. Use descriptive language; words like nice and good don’t explain much. Be direct: too much white? too much black? Explain why.
3. read: Graphic Design, The new basics.
- Read pages, 85-90 online or download
download:Graphic Design, The New Basics, p85-90
2. The authors state that “Unlike conventional depictions where subjects are centered and framed against a background, active figure/ground conditions churn and interweave form and space, creating tension and ambiguity.”
3. comment: what do the authors mean by “interweaving” form and space?
category: interweave
4. watch: Michael Bierut: The Genius of the London Underground Map
- watch this 3-minute video
- comment: What does Bierut mean by the term “simple?”
category: simple design