Anthony Williams HW #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Food is what keeps us energized, especially certain kinds. Soldiers in the war barely had any time to rest and to always be on guard in day light. What I found surprising is their main go to resource was coffee. The coffee must have kept their instincts sharp and always wide awake for whenever they needed to stay up. Even in modern times us students and professors need coffee in the morning to preform our task good. Their diet was unique only eating a few pieces with coffee and not even questioning the taste if it filled them. Also, it needs to be noted that the soldiers did not have an unlimited food supply or 5-star quality kind of food so even though they ate less they would have more food for the follow days to come to share with their comrades.

I’m more of a tea over coffee kind of person, if I desperately needed to stay up in the morning I would buy an energy drink. My favorite food is Pizza it is not even questionable anymore!

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