Robert Frank – HW 4

When I see the photos of Robert Frank, I get back to the political or any theme related to cultural differences, like the photos we can see today in our social media accounts.

I see Robert Frank as someone who was full of curiosity for each place he visited. His purpose was to share the views, people, and actions that occurred. In Franks photos, you can see different people that share the country in which they live. His pictures are real people that were doing daily aspects of life.

The photos that appear in the Americans seem to be as a critic toward society and government. However, Frank came to New York, when the Germans were exterminating Jews. For Frank to see the differentiation between races was similar from what he scaped. Therefore, I don’t think Frank photos are blake. He was concerned about seeing what he believed was America it was not. The people from both classes represent a bleak society. However, the country fell attack and judge by seemed through photos how America wasn’t what they thought it was. I believe that the curiosity of Robert Frank help not only America but other countries in which he took photos to realize what they were and had and needed to be valued. The only way to share it was capturing and ten shared it so people could see it no matter the critics it had.

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