… ContinueFaculty: This Class Agenda post demonstrates how you can provide detailed information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Class Agendas” and can be found under
Author: José M. Reyes Álamo
… ContinueFaculty: Below is a recommended activity that helps build community in your class and introduces your students to commenting as a form of class discussion. Please delete this informational
… ContinueFaculty: This Course site uses an organizational structure to help faculty meet the recommended best practices outlined on our Teaching with the OpenLab guide. This editable welcome post demonstrates
… ContinueFaculty: You can use this survey to understand the technology and working spaces available to your students when they are working off-campus. To use this survey in your course, please
… ContinueFaculty: This example student post and comment demonstrate how students can contribute and collaborate on this course site. Please switch this example post to “Draft” or delete it when you
… ContinueFaculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide instructions for each assignment. It uses the category “Assignment Instructions” and can be found under Course Info in the site