carmen diaz's ePortfolio

Find JOY in the journey

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student work ! from pratt entry #9 link)
ive always been a fan of architecture and interior design its something that i love looking at. if its watching a tv show on how these people bring those ideas to life or watching my girlfriend and her sister make up designs it doesnt bore me Ill ask many questions and be very interested.

hola everyone! Entry #1

This is a Detailed Introduction  of me !
when it comes to work that inspires me i look at nature! it calms me and inspires me to  create and imagine things. nature is one of the things that i would to share in my own way. other things that inspire me are books. i  love to read and allow myself to dive into a whole new world as a teenager i grew up reading mystery then everything changed when i read “the perks of being a wallflower” it was an amazing inspirational book that allowed me to view struggles and learn more about the life that one can face. it has inspired me to be strong and to have faith.when it comes to designing, painting and sketching are the only the 2 forms of design i mainly know. i’m a person who hates technology but lives in a world surrounded by it so i would like to know how to design with technology for the benefit of my success. projects, homework, assignments you name it ill be ready to face what ever comes my way! ill collaborate in anything really as long as i get to pitch an idea.

New York times article response entry #1.

“Divisive Monuments? Put them all in a Taiwan park” by Austin Ramsy published August 22,2017

i for one disagree with what they want to do with the statues of a  once well known leader. art work is a part of the world especially works of art that are more then 5 years old. in Taiwan there has been a intense debate on weather or not they should remove the multiple statues of the famous leader named Chiang Kai-shek due to the symbol that he represents to some of Taiwans people.  i believe it is important to leave art work where its found because it allows viewers to really feel and understand the meaning of a piece of design. throwing them in a park wont create meaning just comments its physical appearance. as designers no one wants there work to be damaged or torn apart and that is exactly what occurred when protesters damaged several pieces “Debate over what to do with them intensified this year after some were damaged by protesters on the 70th anniversary of a Kuomintang massacre of Taiwanese civilians.” i can honestly say i don’t know much about Chinese history but when it comes to pieces of art every piece should be kept save and never forgotten.

this is an image from the article of some of the statues being placed all in one park.


– A series of thumbnails or even just one thumbnail is very important before starting any composition. thumbnails are an amazing way to brainstorm and put your ideas into action weather its a dot or a building it allows you to see how far your going with the concept and if  you don’t like it you  just start a new thumbnail! Also thumbnails give you an idea of how much space you would like to use it  allows you to think of negative and also positive spaces, sizes and shapes. all so get to drawing some sqaures!

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