Thin Shell Structure (Jonathan & Endirichard)

Thin Shell Presentation 

Thin Shell Document

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11 Responses to Thin Shell Structure (Jonathan & Endirichard)

  1. Alondra says:

    Your explanation of the connection details of the thin shell structure was very clear. Pictures were easy to follow.

  2. i like the presentation overall it was very descriptive. I would of liked to hear more and see more visual of the structure that is supported on the hyperbolic ends that sounded real interesting.

  3. The internet didn’t really explain how the umbrella footing worked or how the thin shell structure was connected to the footing so I would of liked to explore more of how the umbrella footing was connected to the thin shell structure with actual details so I can clearly understand how exactly it is connected.

  4. The detailed picture of the umbrella footing was interesting as it portrayed the load transferring path of the thin shell structure.

  5. stevenson says:

    the part that was shown was full of information to help understand the practical use of thin shell structures. I found it interesting that such a thin structure can be earthquake resistant; especially since so many different forces acts on the structure during an event.

  6. Aura says:

    one of the things that i found interesting about the thin shell structure is that it has resistant to earthquake.

  7. Guranter says:

    i liked your presentation because you thoroughly explained it briefly. For an individual you did a good job.

  8. juli says:

    I really enjoyed how you explained your connection details. The pictures and graphs made it easier to understand the type of structure that building had. Slide number 7 i believe had the clearest transformation from each picture of the detail.

  9. ftejeda says:

    In the presentation you guys mention Felix Candela work in Mexico , it would be interesting if you guy would explore more detail of the connection details, but overall great job.

  10. jin says:

    for the weakness part of shell, concrete has no tensile strength, steel has no compression strength, however, when concrete and steel combine together there is no weakness

  11. The presentation was interesting, what I like the most was the connection details slides. You explained it well and put it together well. Overall the presentation was informative.

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