precast concrete structural shapes. arch 2430


About Moniruz Zaman

traveler, designer, sinner.
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10 Responses to precast concrete structural shapes. arch 2430

  1. Billi says:

    I found this presentation very informative.

  2. mrdicar says:

    Single tee and Double Tee systems are made in factories before being bought to the construction site

  3. some members could have been more energetic.

  4. Susan Mani says:

    I found the “Flexibility of the structure” part really interesting. It was a good presentation.

  5. dbatista says:

    Great Work. Slides show minimum but powerful details/info straight to the point.

  6. Precast concrete is very convenient for the creation of free forms in buildings. I just figured the different angles that concrete forms can take using this system. Good illustrations!

  7. Great presentation… I liked that you gave very clear information on the topic and also showed pictures to understand even better. Like the connections details for example.

  8. jasonng903 says:

    The connection details are very helpful and the compare of the strength and weaknesses also very helpful for us to choose which structure to use for the project.

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