Grades will be awarded using the College’s standard grading scale, but your coursework will be evaluated using a rubric that takes into consideration effort applied, technical understanding, and creative use of resources. Your final grade will reflect how well you explored and integrated the design concepts and practices introduced in this course.
Grades will be based upon:
- 20% In-Class Work, Discussions, Participation
- 20% Midterm Exam
- 30% Final Project
- 30% Homework Projects
Critiques will be held every week to help you master the design vocabulary and support your fellow classmates. Each week students will review the previous week’s homework assignments. Lab assignments are assigned and done in-class. Only Lab Assignments that adhere to documented project guidelines and are presented in a clean, professional manner will be accepted for credit. Labs and Critique are part of participation which will be graded each class on the class site.
Effective student participation is demonstrated by:
- Posting and commenting on the in-class lab as described in Class Notes, Students are expected to contribute to discussions and give peer feedback.
- Participating in class, presentations, and discussions.
- Muting your phone, other devices, or applications during class meetings.
- Following best practices for face-to-face learning.
- Class preparedness: bringing materials to class and checking the class site for instructions.
- Timeliness: arriving to class on time and completing projects on time.
- Asking questions, volunteering answers, and helping other students
- Paying attention during live demonstrations and presentations
- Following instructions and taking notes
- Labs, Critiques and Discussion Questions are 20% of students grade
Student posts and comments in the discussion will be used for recording and sharing your creative process and learning experience throughout the course. Posts and comments documenting your inspiration, experiments, readings, discussions, field trips, final work, and peer critiques will serve as a record of the effort and dedication you demonstrate throughout the semester. Find student posts and comments in the Student Work section.
If you will not be able to present or hand in a project on the scheduled due date, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor BEFORE the due date
Students Posts
You will be posting to the class site every week. Instructions for posting your work will be provided in each class agenda. For general help posting to the class site and submitting your work visit Student Work >Homework Posts > Posting your work
Student Comments
You will be commenting on the class site every week. Instructions for commenting on discussion topics, visual library posts, and your fellow classmates work will be provided in each class agenda. For general help commenting visit Help & Resources > Participation > Commenting and Critique
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