Class Info
- Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
- Meeting Info: 6:00pm – 9:20pm, Room P124
Homework Due This Class
- All work should be submitted by 11:30pm the day before class.
- Present the sketched ideas for your final project. Along with the backstory as listed above.
- Scan or photograph your sketches and add to a document. In this document include your backstory.
- Save the document as a PDF file and save according to the following naming convention: 12_LastNameFirstInitial_alteregosketch.PDF
- Upload your document to the Google Drive.
2. Now is a good opportunity to re-do or complete any work that hasn’t been submitted. Be sure to bring it to my attention if you have resubmitted work, or submitted past due work.
Typography in Photoshop and the Combo of Vector and Raster
Today, we will discuss using type in Photoshop.
- Not only can type be created in Photoshop, but it can also be imported from Illustrator.
- Type can be raster as well as vector elements in Photoshop.
What you can expect to learn
- How to use type in Photoshop
- How to use several type techniques
- How to use type as a mask
Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate in reviewing the sketches and ideas for the Alter Ego project.

Lab assignments are done during class time.
- Create a New York City postcard promoting tourism in NYC.
- The theme/title: Visit New York City
- Use a collage style design along with an interesting type treatment for the title
- Postcard size = 6in x 4in, 300ppi
- The file should be named 13_Lastname_NYCPostCard.PSD (Photoshop file with layers).
- Upload the file to the Google Drive folder for today’s in-class work.
Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. This is a requirement for participation part of your grade.
Homework Due Next Class:
- All work should be submitted by 11:30 pm the day before class.
- Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention: 13_LastName_AlterEgoFinal.psd (Photoshop).
- Upload the final file to the appropriate Google Drive folder.
- Transparency
- Masks
- Working Non-Destructively
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