Our next project will be the Alter Ego. Please come to class with your idea and a written backstory–that is an explanation or story about the characters. It can be made up or true, but it must be written. It is only a paragraph (approximately 5 sentences). You can use Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Embed in the doc a copy of your rough sketch of you idea. ALL of these things are a part of your grade. No Excuses. Be prepared to discuss in class.

Important Dates Below

December 6 = Alter Ego Project due

December 12 & 13 = NO CLASSES (These are considered Reading Days. They are days that students should use to prepare for final exams and to finish final projects).

December 20 = LAST DAY of the semester; FINAL PROJECT due (Vectorized Self-Portrait, details to come); this is also the last day to submit any missed projects, and all discussion questions must be completed