Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Fall 2023

08 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What tool(s) to your use to navigate to another part of your artwork?

Question 02 –

What is the value of using that tool?


  1. Karen Alarcon

    1. In Adobe Illustrator, you can use the Hand tool to navigate to another part of your artwork. Simply press and hold the spacebar on your keyboard, and the cursor changes to a hand icon. While holding the spacebar, click and drag to pan across the art board and navigate to the desired area of the artwork. Release the spacebar to return to the previously selected tool.
    2. The Hand tool in Adobe Illustrator is valuable because it allows the ability to quickly and efficiently navigate through the artwork, especially when working on complex or detailed designs. Instead of relying solely on zooming in and out, one can pan across the artboard using the Hand tool, giving it a better overview of the work and making it easier to focus on specific details or make precise adjustments. This tool enhances the workflow by providing a seamless way to move around artwork without constantly changing tools or adjusting the zoom level.
  2. Salma Sherif

    To navigate within digital artwork, artists typically use a combination of software tools and techniques: 1. Graphic Design Software. 2. Keyboard Shortcuts. 3. Graphics Tablets and Styluses. 4. Navigator Panels. 5.Layer Management. 6.Custom Hotkeys and Shortcut. 7.Scroll Wheels. 8.Navigational Widgets.

    The choice of navigation tools depends on the software in use, but mastering these features is crucial for efficient digital artwork creation.

    The value of using navigation tools in digital artwork creation is multifaceted. Firstly, these tools significantly boost efficiency by allowing artists to swiftly navigate their digital canvases, reducing the time needed to locate and work on specific areas or details. This precision is crucial for intricate work, impossible or challenging with traditional art mediums. Additionally, navigation tools offer flexibility, enabling artists to experiment with various compositions and make quick iterations without constraints. Corrections become easier and less frustrating, promoting experimentation and creative exploration. Organizing and manipulating layers enhances control and comfort, reducing physical strain during long sessions. Moreover, digital formats simplify sharing, collaboration, storage, and reproduction, making it a practical choice for the modern artist. Overall, these tools streamline the creative process, improve accessibility, and adapt to the demands of the digital age.

  3. Carlmekhi

    to navigate through my artwork the best tool to use is keyboard shortcuts. the definition to key board shortcuts are “a key or combination of keys providing quick access to a particular function within a computer program.” with key board short cuts it helps me easily access and edit my artwork without having to go through unnecessary steps. for example in windows, if i make a mistake on my artwork instead of using my mouse to edit my mistake, i can just press CTRL+Z and it will get rid of what i did as if the mistake never happened. if i want to copy and paste something instead of using my mouse to hover and highlight over it, i can double click what i want to copy and paste then press CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. the value of using this tool the luxury of making everything easier for you while you work. this tool can prevent mistakes before they happen and it can get rid of mistakes when they happen.

  4. Carlmekhi

    to navigate through my artwork the best tool to use is keyboard shortcuts. the definition to key board shortcuts are “a key or combination of keys providing quick access to a particular function within a computer program.” with key board short cuts it helps me easily access and edit my artwork without having to go through unnecessary steps. for example in windows, if i make a mistake on my artwork instead of using my mouse to edit my mistake, i can just press CTRL+Z and it will get rid of what i did as if the mistake never happened. if i want to copy and paste something instead of using my mouse to hover and highlight over it, i can double click what i want to copy and paste then press CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. the value of using this tool the luxury of making everything easier for you while you work. this tool can prevent mistakes before they happen and it can get rid of mistakes when they happen.

  5. Fahima

    Question 01 –

    What tool(s) to your use to navigate to another part of your artwork?

    The Hand Tool (shortcut: space bar) is the primary tool meant for seamless navigating inside the artwork. This adaptable tool is vital for efficiently exploring different sections of the canvas without interfering with the creative flow. When I’m working on precise details or retouching certain areas of an image, the Hand Tool comes in handy. The Hand Tool’s principal role is to allow users to move their perspective across the document window by clicking and dragging. This comes in handy when I’m zoomed in on a specific aspect of your artwork and need to travel to another section. Instead of using scroll bars or constantly altering the zoom level, the Hand Tool allows you to pan over the canvas easily.

    Question 02 –

    What is the value of using that tool?

    The Hand Tool in Adobe Photoshop is quite useful since it allows for smooth navigating inside the artwork. Its efficiency stems from its ease of use: pressing the spacebar and dragging with the Hand Tool allows users to navigate across the canvas with ease. This is extremely useful when working on intricate details or traversing enormous photos. The tool reduces disturbance by removing the need for continual zoom adjustments, allowing for a more fluid workflow and improving precision. Its time saving features allow me to concentrate on the creative process rather than the mechanics of traversing the workspace. In short, the Hand Tool is an essential component for painters, photographers, and designers, providing an easy and quick way to explore different sections of the artwork.

  6. matt14

    In Adobe Illustrator, you can use a couple of tools and methods to navigate to different parts of your artwork, especially when working on complicated or detailed designs. Here are some easy tools and techniques for navigation in illustrator. First the hand tool is used for panning or moving around your artboard. You can temporarily access the Hand tool by holding down the spacebar. Click and drag to move the view. To focus on a specific selection or object double-click with the Selection tool to zoom in and focus on that object. This is handy for detailed work on a specific element. By using the scroll bars, if your document extends beyond the visible area, you can use the scroll bars on the right and bottom of the window to navigate vertically and horizontally. If you want to use the artboard tool to select and navigate between multiple artboards in your document. You can find the Artboard tool in the toolbar. When dealing with intricate details, zooming in using the Zoom tool or keyboard shortcuts enables you to work with precision, ensuring that every detail is refined and accurate. These tools and techniques can be used in combination based on your preferences and specific requirements to benefit your artwork. Mastering these navigation tools will help you efficiently move around your Illustrator projects, whether they are simple illustrations or complex designs. These tools are valued because Zooming in and out is not just for detailed work. It’s also beneficial when you need to quickly assess the overall layout or structure of your design. Navigating smoothly through your artwork is essential when presenting your work to clients or team members. It allows you to showcase different aspects of your design and receive feedback effectively. The ability to focus on a selection provides flexibility in your workflow. You can tailor your workspace to specific tasks and easily switch between different arrangements of panels, tools and this enables you to work with precision, ensuring that every detail is refined and accurate.

    • Alyse B

      I really love your response. Super informative too. I could really tell by your response that you devoted time to explaining the material thoroughly. I can see clearly the effort it took to explain it in such detail and your mastery of the skill.

  7. Maximo Cardenas

    In both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, you have access to essential navigation tools that contribute to an efficient workflow. The hand tool enables seamless panning across the artboard by holding down the spacebar, offering a quick and easy way to navigate through the artwork. The Zoom Tool allows for precise zooming in and out, allowing you to view the smallest details. The zoom tool can also be accessed by holding ‘Ctrl’ (Windows) or ‘Cmd’ (Mac) and scrolling with the mouse. These tools allow users to explore their artwork with precision. In Illustrator, the artboards panel is a useful tool for swiftly jumping between different artboards. Together, these navigation tools form a comprehensive set of tools that enhance the user experience.

  8. Alyse B

    Question 1: What tool(s) to your use to navigate to another part of your artwork?

    1. In Adobe Illustrator, you can use several tools to navigate to different parts of your artwork. I mainly use the Hand Tool. The Hand Tool is used for panning and navigating within the document. It allows you to move the viewable area of your artboard without changing the actual content. Press and hold the Space bar on your keyboard to temporarily switch to the Hand Tool. While holding the Spacebar, click and drag to move the view. You can also access the Hand Tool directly from the toolbar by clicking on the hand icon.

    Question 2: What is the value of using that tool?

    1. The Hand Tool in Adobe Illustrator (and other design software) serves a specific purpose in navigating and working with your artwork. The primary function of the Hand Tool is to pan or move the viewable area of your artboard. This is especially useful when you’re working on a detailed illustration or a large canvas, and you need to navigate to different parts of your artwork quickly. Using the Hand Tool in conjunction with other tools allows for efficient and fluid navigation. Instead of relying solely on zooming in and out, you can easily move around your artboard without constantly adjusting the zoom level. In Illustrator, when working with large artboards or multiple artboards in a single document, the Hand Tool becomes particularly valuable. It helps you explore different sections of your design without relying solely on zooming or scrolling.
  9. Jada Bellille

    What tool(s) to your use to navigate to another part of your artwork?

    • I prefer to use the hand tool as it drags my pointer over the parts of my artboard quickly and effectively. Rather than using using my mousepad/mouse to scroll around the artboard which takes up time whereas if I used the hand tool time and effectiveness would be saved.

    Question 02 –

    What is the value of using that tool?

    • Using the hand tool speeds up the process of moving from one half of the artboard/screen to another. The hand tool grabs the selected area and as you navigate with your mousepad/mouse you can essentially change your view or the position on your artboard.
  10. Keshawn

    To navigate parts of your work the best tool to use is the hand tool. The hand tool allows you to drag across the canvas so that you can see all parts of your work. It can be useful when looking at the canvas from a broad angle and when looking from narrow, zoomed in perspective.

    The value of using the hand tool is that it enables you to pan across the workspace without having to use the zoom tool. It’s great when working on very detailed work.

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