Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Fall 2023

07 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

Question 02 –

What is the advantage of converting text to outline?


  1. Fahima

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    –      When working on a project that is reasonably large, it is advisable to divide your work into several sections. This is where layer creation comes in helpful. Content on one layer can be moved, edited, hidden, locked, and worked on without affecting content on other layers. Layers can be given names to help with identifying mistakes, any modification and organizing the work.

    Question 02 –

    What is the advantage of converting text to outline?

    –      The benefit of converting text to outline is that outline text may be modified repeatedly without impacting image quality. Also the font designer may also maintain their copyrights. Even if you don’t have the font that being used in the document/work installed on your computer or any other device, you’ll still be able to open and print that work. Additionally, turning text to outline creates anchor point, which allows you to distort or enhance the text to your choice.

  2. Karen Alarcon

    • The value in creating layers in Adobe Illustrator is essential for organizing  artwork effectively. Layers allow to separate different elements of the design, making it easier to work with complex illustrations. Creating layers in Adobe Illustrator enhances organization, which aids in keeping the artwork organized by grouping related objects together. Then, there is creating efficiency, which allows the ability to edit individually without affecting other parts of the artwork. Visibility and control allows users to focus on specific parts of the design. Arrangement makes it easier to control how the layers can be stacked. Overall, creating layers make sit easier and convenient to organize, interact and collaborate with others while having a straightforward map of the design. 
    • Once the text is converted in outlines, it becomes a graphic element. This means that the appearance of the text will remain consistent regardless of where how the file is opened. The outlined texts become easier to edit due to having individual anchor points and paths. This allows the modification of the text’s appearance in ways that would not be possible with live text.This technique is also helpful in avoiding licensing issues. It also ensures precise and consistent rendering, particularly in high resolution projects. And finally, it can be manipulated in creative ways, such as applying gradients, textures, or intricate vector effects.
  3. salma sherif

    Creating layers in Illustrator offers several key advantages:

    1. Organization: Layers help structure your artwork, making it easier to manage and edit complex designs.
    2. Isolation: Layers allow you to focus on specific elements, simplifying editing without affecting the entire composition.
    3. Styling: You can apply different styles and effects to various parts of your design on separate layers.
    4. Revisions: Layers facilitate iterative design by letting you modify specific elements without impacting the whole composition.
    5. Efficiency: Layers improve workflow efficiency by enabling you to quickly hide, lock, or rearrange layers, reducing clutter on the artboard.
    6. Exporting: You can control which layers are included in the final output, making it easy to create variations for different purposes.

    Overall, layers provide organization, control, and flexibility, enhancing the quality and efficiency of your design work in Adobe Illustrator, whether you’re creating simple illustrations or complex, multi-layered compositions.

    Converting text to outlines in graphic design offers multiple advantages. It ensures font consistency across various platforms and eliminates the need for recipients to have specific fonts, preserving your design’s integrity. Outlined text becomes a vector shape, allowing for extensive stylization, effects, and precise editing at the anchor point and path level. This is particularly beneficial for custom typography and intricate designs. Additionally, you gain control over rasterization settings when exporting, ensuring the text remains sharp and clear at different sizes. Converting text to outlines also prevents font substitution issues when sharing your artwork. However, once text is outlined, it becomes uneditable as live text, so keeping a copy of the original text is wise for future modifications. In essence, converting text to outlines empowers designers with more creative freedom, control, and cross-platform compatibility while ensuring design consistency.

  4. Carlmekhi

    1. layers are very important and it can be hidden, locked, edited etc and it keeps everything organized to decrease the chances of messing up one layer while working on another. layers just allows you to be more flexible in you work and it gives you the ability to try many different things as you work. what it means to hide a layer is for it not to be seen as your working but it is not deleted so you can toggle from the hide and unhide feature. converting text to outlines has many different benefits. when converting your text to outline it converts your text to artwork shapes and it removes all font information from the file. it helps avoiding font errors and it will print exactly as intended.
  5. matt14

    Converting text to outlines in graphic design software, such as Adobe Illustrator, means converting editable text into vector shapes or paths. When you convert text to outlines, each character becomes a vector object, allowing for precise control over its appearance. It’s important to note that once you convert text to outlines, the text becomes non-editable as text. Therefore, it’s a good practice to keep a copy of the editable text in your document, especially if you anticipate the need to make text changes later. Additionally, using outlines may result in larger file sizes compared to using live text. When you share a document or send a file to someone else, converting text to outlines ensures that the font and formatting you used remain consistent. The recipient doesn’t need to have the specific font installed to view the text as you intended. Preserving Typography in Logos and Branding often involve unique or custom typography. Converting text to outlines in these cases ensures that your logo looks the same across different devices and software, regardless of font availability. Creating layers in Adobe Illustrator is a fundamental aspect of organizing and managing your artwork efficiently.Layers help you organize your artwork by separating different elements or components. This makes it easier to navigate and locate specific objects within complex designs. Layers allow you to control the stacking order of objects. Objects on higher layers appear in front of objects on lower layers, allowing you to manage the visual hierarchy of your design. Layers provide several benefits that contribute to having an organized design process.To create a new layer in Illustrator, you can use the layers panel by clicking Windows than Layers. Click on the “New Layer” button at the bottom of the panel to add a new layer. Naming layers appropriately and utilizing color-coded labels further enhance the organization of your project.

  6. Keshawn

    Creating layers in Illustrator makes it much easier to execute projects as a designer. The layers create a clean, organized workspace when working. Especially when the project involves multiple objects that all need to be modeled differently. Layers also enable you to switch between visibility of objects to focus on certain parts of the object and they allow you to lock layers so that you don’t accidentally alter parts of the work.

    An advantage of converting text to outlines is that you can constantly change the text without damaging the image. Doing this allows you to transfer the design to someone else who may not have that font on their device. As an outline you can alter it as if it was an image. You can modify letters, apply gradients and effects that might be possible with text.

    • Alyse B

      I really love your response. Super informative too. I could really tell by your response that you devoted time to explaining the material thoroughly. I can see clearly the effort it took to explain it in such detail and your mastery of the skill.

  7. Maximo Cardenas

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    Layers are extremely valuable to users of Adobe Illustrator as it allows for efficiency when designing. There are several aspects of layers that make this statement true. For one, it allows you to edit individual parts of the artwork without affecting other parts. This is great if you change your mind on something later on, you can easily find and remove it from the layers panel. Next, the visibility control is useful if you want to work on something that is behind another layer. Simply go to the layer that is currently in your way, and select the eye next to the layer icon to make it temporarily invisible. You can make the layer visible again by clicking on the eye again. Another advantage of using layers is the ability to lock them. If you have a layer that is the background of the image, you don’t want to accidentally select it when working with other parts of the piece. To avoid that, you can lock the layer(s) that contain the background. Now when you are selecting shapes and paths on your artboard, anything that is on a locked layer will not be selectable or alterable. Finally, stacking order. The stacking order of layers is incredibly useful. Layers at the top of the stacking order will show on the artboard in front of the assets of the layers behind it. This makes it easy to move parts into the background or foreground without having to delete or recreate anything.

    Question 02 –

    What is the advantage of converting text to outline?

    Converting text to outline in Adobe Illustrator is essential for creating striking typography. Adobe Illustrator has a type tool that allows you to put text into your artwork but you are limited in what alterations you can make to the text itself. Once you have used the appearance panel to choose a font, you can press Shift > Cmd or Ctrl > O to change the selected text into an outline. This turns the type into paths and anchor points that can be altered like any other shape in illustrator. This allows the user to create interesting pieces that are not possible when using only the type tool.

  8. Alyse B

    Question 1: What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    1. Creating layers in  Illustrator is a fundamental and powerful organizational feature that offers several benefits for designers and artists. Layers provide a structured and organized way to manage elements in your artwork. You can group related objects together on separate layers, making it easier to locate, select, and modify specific components. By placing objects on different layers, you can isolate elements from each other. This isolation makes it simpler to focus on specific parts of your design without being distracted by other elements. Layers determine the stacking order of objects. Objects on higher layers appear in front of objects on lower layers. This layer hierarchy helps control the visual arrangement of elements within your composition.Layers can be locked to prevent accidental modifications. This is useful when you want to protect certain elements from being edited while you work on other parts of the design. Layers can be used as templates. You can place reference images, sketches, or guidelines on a separate layer, reducing clutter in your main working layers while providing visual guidance for your design.

    Question 2: What is the advantage of converting text to outline?

    1. Converting text to outlines in Adobe Illustrator involves converting the editable text into vector shapes, essentially creating outlines of the text. One of the benefits includes appearance preservation. When you convert text to outlines, you ensure that the appearance of the text remains consistent, regardless of the font availability on different systems or devices. The vector shapes will retain the original look of the text. Converting text to outlines eliminates the need for the specific font used in the text. This is especially useful when sharing files with others, as they don’t need to have the exact font installed to view the document correctly. When you create outlines, the text becomes vector shapes, and this can be crucial when exporting your artwork to formats like PDF or EPS. It ensures that the text retains its appearance when the file is shared or printed, even if the recipient does not have the original font.
  9. Jada Bellille

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    • Essentially creating layers in illustrator allows for a clean and organized workspace, it allows all edits and objects to be kept on a separate layer.

    What is the advantage of converting text to outline?

    • Once the text is converted to an outline it is now grouped, and all edits, effects and sizing done would be applied to all text that was converted into an outline. Essentially outlining text is better because it allows consistency in editing all text at once.

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