Mary Brown | COMD 1162 - E058 | Fall 2023

05 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What choices do you have in Blend Tool options when creating a blend?

Question 02 –

Which tool in the Pathfinder Palette in Illustrator creates separate shapes for overlapping items when it is used?


  1. Karen Alarcon

    In Adobe Illustrator, when creating a blend using the Blend Tool, there will be several options to customize the blend. These options can be accessed by going to Object > Blend > Blend Options after creating the blend. The choices are the following. First one being “Spacing”, which determines the distribution of intermediate steps between the blended objects. There is a choice between “Smooth Color,” “Specified Steps,” or “Specified Distance. Then there is “Orientation”, which specifies the axis along which the blend is oriented. Either “Align to Page” or “Align to Path” can be chosen. The “Ramp” is an option used for adjusting the color distribution in a blend when colors are involved. It allows control to the distribution of colors along the blend. The final option would be “Preview”, which allows a live preview of the blend as you adjust the options. These options provide a high degree of control over how objects blend in Adobe Illustrator, allowing the creation of complex and visually appealing designs.

    In the Pathfinder Palette in Adobe Illustrator, The tool that creates separate shapes for overlapping items is called the “Divide” option. When using it, it breaks apart overlapping shapes into individual objects, creating separate shapes for each segment of the overlap. This can be very useful when working with the individual pieces of overlapping objects independently.

  2. salma Sherif

    1.When using the Blend Tool in graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, you have several key options to create blends between objects. You start by selecting the objects you want to blend, specifying the starting and ending shapes. You can control the spacing between intermediate shapes with options for smooth color transitions, specified steps, or a specified distance. The orientation of these intermediate shapes along the blend path can be set to follow the path or move toward it. Some software provides the option to replace or reverse the blend path. You can preview the blend before finalizing it and may have the choice to expand the blend into individual objects. Additionally, some tools offer the ability to fine-tune color transitions for a smoother blend. Alignment options may also be available to position objects precisely along the blend path. The exact names and locations of these options may vary depending on the software you are using.

    2.In Adobe Illustrator, the tool in the Pathfinder palette that creates separate shapes for overlapping items when used is the “Divide” option. The Divide operation essentially divides the overlapping areas of selected objects into separate shapes, creating new shapes for each section of overlap. This can be useful for creating intricate and customized vector shapes or for further editing and manipulation of intersecting objects.

    To use the Divide operation in the Pathfinder palette:

    1. Select the objects you want to divide.
    2. Open the Pathfinder palette (Window > Pathfinder).
    3. Click the “Divide” button, which is represented by a series of shapes splitting apart.
    4. After clicking Divide, the selected objects will be separated into individual shapes at their overlapping areas.
  3. salma Sherif

    In Adobe Illustrator, the tool in the Pathfinder palette that creates separate shapes for overlapping items when used is the “Divide” option. The Divide operation essentially divides the overlapping areas of selected objects into separate shapes, creating new shapes for each section of overlap. This can be useful for creating intricate and customized vector shapes or for further editing and manipulation of intersecting objects.

    To use the Divide operation in the Pathfinder palette:

    1. Select the objects you want to divide.
    2. Open the Pathfinder palette (Window > Pathfinder).
    3. Click the “Divide” button, which is represented by a series of shapes splitting apart.
    4. After clicking Divide, the selected objects will be separated into individual shapes at their overlapping areas.

    When using the Blend Tool in graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, you have srse the blend path. You can preview the blend before finalizing it and may have the choice to expand the blend into individual objects. Additionally, some tools offer the ability to fine-tune color transitions for a smoother blend. Alignment options may also be available to position objects precisely along the blend path. The exact names and locations of these options may vary depending on the software you are using.everal key options to create blends between objects. You start by selecting the objects you want to blend, specifying the starting and ending shapes. You can control the spacing between intermediate shapes with options for smooth color transitions, specified steps, or a specified distance. The orientation of these intermediate shapes along the blend path can be set to follow the path or move toward it. Some software provides the option to replace or reve

  4. salma Sherif

    When using the Blend Tool in graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator, you have several key options to create blends between objects. You start by selecting the objects you want to blend, specifying the starting and ending shapes. You can control the spacing between intermediate shapes with options for smooth color transitions, specified steps, or a specified distance. The orientation of these intermediate shapes along the blend path can be set to follow the path or move toward it. Some software provides the option to replace or reverse the blend path. You can preview the blend before finalizing it and may have the choice to expand the blend into individual objects. Additionally, some tools offer the ability to fine-tune color transitions for a smoother blend. Alignment options may also be available to position objects precisely along the blend path. The exact names and locations of these options may vary depending on the software you are using.

    In Adobe Illustrator, the tool in the Pathfinder palette that creates separate shapes for overlapping items when used is the “Divide” option. The Divide operation essentially divides the overlapping areas of selected objects into separate shapes, creating new shapes for each section of overlap. This can be useful for creating intricate and customized vector shapes or for further editing and manipulation of intersecting objects.

    To use the Divide operation in the Pathfinder palette:

    1. Select the objects you want to divide.

    2. Open the Pathfinder palette (Window > Pathfinder).

    3. Click the “Divide” button, which is represented by a series of shapes splitting apart.

    4. After clicking Divide, the selected objects will be separated into individual shapes at their overlapping areas.

  5. matt14

    When you enter the blend tool options in illustrator you have three options to help blend colors to the way you want and need. First you have the linear blend tool which will show a line with two color endpoints to where you can chose the color of the two end points and it will make whatever shape you have gradually transition the color at one end of the shale to the other color you have at the end of the shape. The second option is radial gradient shading, this type of blending is almost the same as the linear blending. When you drag your mouse on the line this time for example towards your he center of your shape for radial blending the outer edge of your color will go more faint the closer you get to the center. The more you drag your mouse outside of the shaped radius the more vibrant the color will become. If you add more blending points along the line it will use ai to create an even blend according to where you place the points along the shapes radius. The last option is custom blending to where you place points wherever you want across your shape. For each point you place in your shape they have a radius that you fill with whichever color you choose to have in that area. Eventually when you fill all the points you place inside of your shape you will create a custom blend of colors for your shape.

    In the pathfinder palette you can create separate shapes for overlapping items when you click on the divide option. Clicking on the divide option in the pathfinder palette will take the two overlapping shapes and subtract the top layer from the bottom layer creating a new shape entirely.

  6. Fahima

    Question 01 –

    What choices do you have in Blend Tool options when creating a blend?

    Question No. 1:

    In Illustrator, the Blend Tool offers various options when creating a blend. To start, you can select the type of blend, which can be either a seamless color transition or specific steps between items. The ‘Orientation’ option allows you to choose the path along which the blend happens, such as a straight line or an axis. Also, ‘Specified Steps’ allows you to choose the number of intermediate steps in the blend. ‘Smooth Color’ creates a smooth color transition, while ‘Specified Distance’ lets you specify the distance between each step. These Blend Tool features provide you with a lot of control over how blended objects look in Illustrator.

    Question 02 –

    Which tool in the Pathfinder Palette in Illustrator creates separate shapes for overlapping items when it is used?

    The ‘Divide’ tool in Illustrator Pathfinder Palette creates various shapes for overlapping elements. When you pick multiple overlapping objects and use the Pathfinder Palette’s ‘Divide’ operation, Illustrator creates different shapes for each segment generated by the overlapping pathways. This is especially effective for separating complex forms or separating distinct pieces from overlapping objects. The ‘Divide’ action in Illustrator functions as a virtual scissor, dividing overlapping paths into independent, editable forms, allowing for more elaborate and detailed Illustrator artwork.

    • Alyse B

      I love the response. Super informative by the way. I could really tell by your response that you devoted time to explaining the material thoroughly. I appreciate the effort it took to explain it in such detail.

  7. Keshawn

    The choices you have in Blend Tool options when creating a blend are diverse. Specified steps allows you to choose the number of steps between two objects. This creates a numerous amount of blends in a sequence. Smooth color gives a smooth transition between objects with two different colors to create the blend. Specified distance creates a specific distance between each step in the blend. Orientation chooses if the blend follows a certain path. Preview grants you the opportunity to modify the blend while previewing it.

    The divide function under the pathfinder tool creates separate shapes for overlapping items. First, choose the overlapping objects that you want to divide. Then go to Window in the menu bar and scroll down to pathfinder. Then click on the divide option.

  8. Maximo Cardenas

    When creating a blend in Adobe Illustrator, there are several options to customize the appearance of the blend. Once you have created the blend, you can go to Object > Blend > Blend Options to bring up a panel to alter the blend. The first thing that you can change is the spacing of the blend. This will determine the smoothness of gradation of the blend. There are three options available, Smooth Color, Specified Steps, and Specified Distance. Next, there is the option for orientation. The options are align to page or align to path. Finally, on the bottom left of the panel, there is a checkbox with the word “Preview” next to it. Having this checked off will allow you to see what the blend will look like as you change them before committing to them. 

    The tool in the Pathfinder Palette in Adobe Illustrator that creates separate shapes for overlapping items is the “Divide” option. This action divides overlapping shapes into individual pieces, creating new shapes based on the intersections of the originals. This can be useful for breaking apart shapes or creating distinct elements within a design. You can then alter or modify the resulting shapes independently.

  9. jada

    What choices do you have in Blend Tool options when creating a blend?

    When using the blend tool you can choose to morph a shape with another essentially duplicating it, and you can also mesh colors together to create a blend.

    Which tool in the Pathfinder Palette in Illustrator creates separate shapes for overlapping items when it is used?

    The divide tool can be used to create separate shapes when two or more shapes are overlapping. You can use the direction selection tool to drag out the separate shapes.

    • Alyse B

      I really love your response. Super informative too. I could really tell by your response that you devoted time to explaining the material thoroughly. I can see clearly the effort it took to explain it in such detail and your mastery of the skill.

  10. Alyse B

    Question 1: What choices do you have in Blend Tool options when creating a blend?

    When creating a blend in Adobe Illustrator using the Blend Tool, you have several options and settings to customize the behavior of the blend. To begin blending, Select the two or more objects you want to blend. Choose the Blend Tool from the toolbar or press the keyboard shortcut ‘W’. Click on the starting object and then click on the ending object to create a blend. After creating a blend, you can access additional options by going to Object > Blend > Blend Options or by double-clicking on the Blend Tool in the toolbar. There are several changes you can make to your blends as well. Spacing defines the spacing between the objects in the blend. You can choose between options like “Smooth Color,” “Specified Steps,” or “Specified Distance.” “Specified Steps” creates a specified number of steps between the objects, while “Specified Distance” creates a blend with a specified distance between each object.

    Question 2: Which tool in the Pathfinder Palette in Illustrator creates separate shapes for overlapping items when it is used?

    In Adobe Illustrator, the tool in the Pathfinder palette that creates separate shapes for overlapping items is the “Divide” operation. The Divide operation divides overlapping shapes into separate pieces, creating new shapes based on the areas where the original shapes intersect. TTo use divide, select the shapes that you want to divide. You can select multiple shapes by holding down the Shift key while clicking on them. In the Pathfinder palette, locate the “Divide” icon. The Divide operation is often represented by a series of shapes intersecting or overlapping. After applying the Divide operation, you will notice that the selected shapes are now divided into separate pieces. Each area where the original shapes overlapped becomes a new individual shape. After using Divide, you may want to ungroup the result to work with the individual shapes. Select the divided shapes, and go to Object > Ungroup.

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