Class Info

  • Date: September 6, 2023
  • Meeting Info: 6pm – 9:20pm, Room P124

Today’s Outline

  • Review what was covered last week
  • How to Create a Post in OpenLab
    • How to reply to Discussion Questions
  • View video
  • Creating artboards
  • Using the Appearance Palette
  • Naming convention for assignments

Today, we will explore Adobe Illustrator’s powerful Appearance Palette. We will practice adding multiple strokes and fills to a single shape.

Homework Due This Class

Reading assignment from Class 01 Homework.


What you can expect to learn

  • Appearance Palette
    • Adding additional fills
    • Adding additional Strokes
    • Creating Multiple Strokes
    • Creating Multiple Stroke Effects
    • Transforming Fills and Strokes – Dynamic Effects
  • Applying Fills and Strokes to Patterns
  • Editing and transforming shapes
  • Artboards and their arrangement – adding and editing artboards
  • Views for artwork


Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate in reviewing material and offering suggestions for improvement for their cohort.

Lab Homework Due Next Class

All work should be submitted by 11:30 pm the day before class.

  • This week we will find two (2) examples of a vector file be shared with the class.
  • Artboard size: 8.5×11, portrait or landscape.
  • Create a logo or icon that represents you, your personality, etc.
  • Use the techniques of working with simple shapes, fills and strokes that we covered in class.
  • Think shapes—rectangles, squares, circles, triangles, etc. Use basic shapes like these to create your logo/icon. The logo or icon that you create doesn’t need to be complex. It should be simple.
  • Use the YouTube video below to learn how to use the shape builder tool.
  • Start by sketching the shapes on a sketch pad to help you work out your design.
  • Do not include type.
  • Save the file in the Illustrator format as 02_LastName
  • Upload the file in the appropriate Google Drive folder.


Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. This is a requirement for the participation part of your grade.

***We will do the homework assignment below next week in class***

Homework Due Next Class:

All work should be submitted by 11:30 pm the day before class.

Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e., (Illustrator).

  • Create an art board that is 8.5×11 (portrait or landscape).
  • Using basic shapes, and techniques we learned in class, create a character or creature. It can be imaginary or real. Remember that simple shapes can be used to create art.
  • Save the file with the name:
  • Upload it to the appropriate Google Drive folder for homework.


  • appearance
  • fill
  • stroke
  • dynamic effects


How to use the shape builder tool.