A foundation course in typography with emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications

Category: Homework

Magazine Project Due – Final Instructions

The last day of class is Thursday, Dec 20th. This is the day the magazine spread project is due. To offer a bit of clarity, here is and example of what you should plan to submit

  • The magazine project is a total of five (5) InDesign pages all together: 1 magazine cover + 4 page magazine story.
  • The 4 magazine pages should be printed as 2 spreads.
  • A spread is 2 facing pages of a magazine.
  • The InDesign pages are 8.5″x11″. When they together as a spread they will be 11″x17″.
  • Save your final file as PDF spreads. Name your file properly COMD1127_BrownM_magazine and add it to the Google Drive folder that will be set up. DO NOT use cropmarks in your PDF file.
  • You will print out your magazine project in COLOR. The cover will be 1 single page of 8.5″x11; the 2 spreads will print on 11″x17″ pages.
  • You will submit both the PDF and printed versions.
  • See the examples below.
Magazine Cover: 8.5"x11"

Magazine Cover: 8.5″x11″










Opening spread (pages 2&3): 11"x17"

Opening spread (pages 2&3): print on 11″x17″










Second spread of remaining story (pages 4&5): print on 11"x17"

Second spread of remaining story (pages 4&5): print on 11″x17″






You will submit these 3 pages to me on Thursday, Dec 20th. During Tuesday’s class we will review each other’s layouts to make sure everyone is correct. It will be your time to get valuable feedback to help you improve your grade. Your project will be judged on your use of:

  • kerning and/or tracking of all type
  • leading
  • grid
  • headers
  • subheads
  • dropcaps
  • indents
  • columns
  • page numbers,
  • mages
  • captions
  • margins
  • gutters
  • everything that we have covered in this class should show in your final project

We will review this one last time on Tuesday.

If you have any other projects that you have not handed in, Thursday, Dec 20th is your last time to submit. I will not be on campus after that day.

If you have been absent the last few weeks and I haven’t seen your project, you might consider coming to class on Tuesday for the last opportunity for valuable feedback to help improve your grade.

Project #3 – Magazine Spread

The last major project of the semester is the magazine spread. During the last class, we learned about the anatomy of a magazine layout. Please download the handout if you didn’t get one in class.

Here is the assignment:

  • Design a magazine article: 4 pages, 2 spreads; design the magazine cover
  • The trim size is 8.5″x11
  • Topic
    Choice A: snowboarding – the text and photos have been provided for you.
    Choice B: a culinary topic. It can be an article about food(s), recipes or anything dealing with food or cooking. Get approval from instructor first. You will be responsible for providing the text and photos for the assignment.
    Choice C: a topic of your own, but it must be approved by the instructor first. You will be responsible for providing the text and photos for the assignment.
  •  Requirements include use of grid, headers, subheads, dropcaps, indents, columns, page numbers, images, captions, margins, gutters.

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Project #2 – Design a Poster

We are now working on our second project. This project should be fun and give you an opportunity to incorporate all that you’ve learned so far about typography and basic graphic design. This project will be graded on those points. If you didn’t get the poster design assignment in class, download it here.

On Thursday, Nov 1, 2018, be prepared to present your initial sketch ideas. We will do this first thing when class begins, so don’t come to class and begin to do your sketches for the first time. Not having computer access will not hinder your ability to do the sketches. You should have a full page of thumbnail sketches, and then we will do another page that has 3-4 sketches of your best ideas. From those 3-4 sketches we will be able to determine which will make a better design layout for your project.

One of the main emphasis of this project will be use of the grid system and hierarchy. Here is a video what may give you more insight into developing hierarchy in your poster design.


In case you’re still a bit unsure about doing thumbnail sketches, here is a video that previous students have found to be helpful. Please note, the tutorial is done on a computer for the sake of recording, but you will be using pencil or pen and paper.


The Type Book: Assembly Instructions

If you didn’t get the handouts with the instructions for the type books, here they are again. Every type book exercise is to be included. All of the exercises are listed below and should appear in your book in this order. The titles are based on the assignment sheets. Some of those handouts included more than one exercise. Hopefully this list is clear. If you have questions, please ask for clarification. Use the handouts as a guide for the number of pages included for each exercise.

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Classes 1 and 2 — Introduction to Typography & InDesign

So, we’ve made it through the first week. Hopefully everyone is feeling a bit more relaxed and you’ve made some new friends.

Here is a recap of some of the topics that we covered the first week of class. Hopefully this will be helpful if you need to review.

  • On Tues, Aug 28th we reviewed the syllabus, and if you need another copy, it can be downloaded COMD1127SyllabusFA18
  • At this point, of course, everyone should have access to their City Tech email. This will be the way that I will communicate with you. Please check it at least every few days so you don’t miss any important information. Usually when I make a new post, you get an email notification.
  • We viewed a few videos on the history of typography:

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Neighborhood Typography – Type Journal

Type Journal

Take 20-30 pictures of typography in your neighborhood, write a 1-page paper on what that typography tells you about your neighborhood, print it and add to your type journal. Use double-spacing and set 1″ margins on all four sides. Be mindful of grammar and spelling. You can do this in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Embed your photos in the document.

Due Date: Thursday,  Aug 30, 2018