Original quote: “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”- Vincent Van Gogh
Visual Concept 1
For my first visual concept, I made the word “Great” out of the word “small” and the words themselves are small. For each small, they’re in different colors. I used colors that are similar to the colors that Gogh used in his paintings. I added in Vincent Van Gogh’s name in the counter space of the “a” in “Great”. The quote is aligned at the bottom of the “Great” and is in the same white color as Vincent Van Gogh’s name.
Visual Concept 2
For my second visual concept, everyone is in a circle and in the middle of the circle each person put the word “Great”. The idea was that everyone came together by contributing to the circle and made something great. Meanwhile the the 3 guys in the bottom are contributing Vincent Van Gogh. I’ve changed the placements and size for each “Great”. Similar to the first concept, I used colors that are similar to the colors that Gogh used in his paintings for the “Greats”. The quote is wrapped along the bottom of the circle and matches with the white of Vincent Van Gogh’s name.
Visual Concept 3
For my third visual quote concept, instead of just placing the quote, I’ve made the quote appear to be a big building project that was made by the little construction workers. The “Great” is being used as the last beam that completes the building that the construction workers made to together. I placed Vincent Van Gogh’s name on the jib of the magnet. Similar as the previous concepts, the words are in colors that are similiar to Gogh’s paintings.
First Sketches