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  • Setting up your Portfolio Site

    Once you have created your Portfolio, you can then begin working on your Portfolio Site.  The Faculty Portfolio Site is set up to loosely follow the Professional Activity Report and Self Evaluation (PARSE) format, but you may use it in any way that suits you. Here are a few ideas: Use the Blog section to […]

  • Setting up your ePortfolio Site

    Once you have created your ePortfolio, you can then begin working on your ePortfolio Site.  The student ePortfolio site is set up to include pages that students in any major or profession can use, but you may customize the site in any way that suits you. 1a. To begin editing your site, you will need […]

  • Accessing your City Tech email (for students and alumni)

    Note for alumni and former students: City Tech student email accounts are no longer available for life. Please contact the Student Help Desk at 718-260-4900 or if you need help accessing your City Tech email account.  Please note: Your City Tech email address is different from your CUNY login. Please look up your City Tech email address if you’re not sure what […]

  • What is a Club on the OpenLab?

    Students, faculty, and staff can create clubs on the OpenLab to serve as online extensions of their in-person City Tech clubs. If updated regularly, this online space can serve as a way to inform other students of club meetings and activities, have discussions about events and other club-related matters, share club materials, and maintain a […]

  • Finding a Club

    1. If you are already a member of the club, log in and click on My OpenLab in the main menu. In the right-hand menu, click My Clubs.  You will see a list of all the clubs of which you are a member. 2. If you are not a member of the Club, […]

  • Joining a Club

    1. You must be logged in to the OpenLab to join a Club, so after logging in, go to the Club Profile of the Club you want to join.  (Read more about how to find a Club.) 2. If the Club is public, click + Join Now, and you will automatically […]

  • Creating a Club

    1. After logging in, click My OpenLab in the main menu. Then click My Clubs on the right-hand menu. On the My Clubs page, click + Create a Club at the top of the page. Step One: Profile 1. On the first club creation page, enter the required information including the Club Name, Club Description, […]

  • Privacy on the OpenLab

    We take privacy seriously on the OpenLab, which is why we have many different options for choosing what you want to share and with whom. Using your name on the OpenLab It is the OpenLab’s policy that members of the OpenLab are able to choose how they represent themselves online, including username and display name, […]

  • Finding a Project

    1. If you are already a member of the project, log in and click on My OpenLab in the main menu. In the right-hand menu, click My Projects.  You will see a list of all the projects of which you are a member. 2. If you are not a member of the Project, click Projects […]

  • What is a Project on the OpenLab?

    Students, faculty, and staff can develop projects individually or together to represent a range of activities at City Tech. A project can be academic or social in nature. For example, students collaborating on a class assignment may choose to create a project where they work together on documents and have discussions, eventually building a full […]