Table of Contents
Photosynthetic Pigments
In this activity, you will use chromatography to compare the pigments found in a spinach leaf to the pigments found in spirulina. Spirulina is a powdered dietary supplement made of cyanobacteria from the genus Arthrospira. Both spinach and members of Arthrospira are photosynthetic.
Each lab group will need the following materials:
- spinach leaf
- chromatography strip
- coin
- chromatography solvent (2 parts isooctane: 1 part acetone: 1 part diethyl ether)
- 1 test tube
- test tube rack
- pencil
- dowel, wooden stirrer, or paperclip
- ruler
Note: Your instructor will prepare and run the chromatography for spirulina.
- Lay a strip of filter paper on the bench and mark a line with a pencil about 2 cm from the bottom.
- Place a fresh spinach leaf and rub a coin across the leaf to transfer pigment to the strip along the pencil line.
- Do not move the spinach leaf along the chromatography strip. Try to keep the pigment on the pencil line.
- Add about 3 ml of chromatography solvent to the test tube.
- Suspend the chromatography strip by a dowel or paper clip in the test tube.
- Make sure the bottom of the strip is in the solvent, but do not allow the spinach pigment to be submerged.
- Develop the strip until the solvent reaches about 2 cm from the top.
- Remove the strip from the test tube and quickly mark the solvent front with the pencil.
Chromatography Analysis
Fill in the following table. DA represents the distance traveled by the pigments. DS represents the solvent front. Your instructor will provide you with the measurements for the spirulina.

Based on your data, answer the following questions:
- How many different pigments separate from the spinach extract? From the spirulina?
- Are all pigments represented between the two extract?
- The mobile phase is non-polar. Based on this information, what are the properties of each pigment?
- Measure the Rf of each pigment.