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Steve Jobs powerpoint

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Voting Ballot

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United Federation of Teachers, Print Facility

  Last week our class took a trip over to the United Federation of Teachers, Print Facility. We met up in the printing room where we had the owner (who’s name I can’t remember) give us a tour of the place. He discussed each machine and what they did which was interesting to learn. We got to see how envelopes are made, how pamphlets are folded, etc. When he showed us how big the rolls of paper that were used to print papers, it was quite shocking because those rolls where huge. One machine in particular that was neat to learn about was the envelope making machine. 

  The scariest machine that he showed us was the cutter. I think it’s safe to say that this was everyone’s favorite machine as well due to how terrifying it was! The blade was able to cut through 500 pieces of paper and did it in such a second that was shocking. He explained that in order for it to work you need to hold down two buttons with your hands which acted as the safety. It was a very quick tour that only lasted about an hour, but it was nice to see how all the printing is done and where it is generated. It as an interesting experience and I’m glad to got to see some of those machines in action!

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3 Visual Quotes

The quote that I chose was “stop waiting for things to happen. Go out and make them happen”. I reason I chose this quote because it’s something that I should live my life by. Lately, I struggle to keep up with most things and I wait around for an easy option to come along my way. Taking the easy way out sets me back, and causes me to daydream about “what if?”. I have many dream, goals, aspirations, etc. and yet, I wait for an easy way. This quote is directed towards my career and mainly my wanting to travel. I talk so much about how badly I want things or how badly I need change, and I always wait around for it. My first photo is a picture of Moraine lake which is a place where my heart has fallen in love with. I keep telling myself that I need to save up or find friends to go with me but if I keep waiting, I may never go. The second quote is again showing my wanting to travel. If I so desperately want to go out and see the world, then I need to go out and make it happen! The third quote is just a simple one, pretty laid back with words on a ombre background. I kept a set color in all three of them, to create a connection.




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AIGA Field Trip

Our field trip to the AIGI was both and interesting and exciting trip. Our tour guide Dave informed us about AIGI and what it was all about, and throughout the tour we got to see many different pieces that where displayed. The 3 pieces that I took photos of were some of my favorites. Although I didn’t manage to photograph the names of the artists, I will describe each piece. The first one was my favorite because of the bright neon colors and the images displayed in each piece. It was almost as if they were negatives and overlapped with other negatives. The faces in the images seemed to be past leaders, criminals, and presidents. The use of shapes such as circles, triangles, and squares adorned the canvas as well. The message was probably the display of power, and how it comes in all different shapes and sizes. The good, and the evil are still noted for their destruction or empowerment.

    The second piece was an entire wall dedicated to violence and guns, with images of guns, targets, and Osama bin laden. It showed the power of violence. I loved how big the piece was, taking up the entirety of one wall, while also having movable text.
    The third piece was a peace sign that said “American pie”, with the section “piece” missing from it. It had a great message saying that there can’t always be peace in what we call the “pie”. As I’m re-reading this, It doesn’t quite make sense as I type it out, but in my head it makes so much more sense!
Overall, the trip was great, the pieces were phenomenal, and AIGI is a great organization. I’m glad I got a chance to visit!.

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Letter Press Printing Trip

This week in class we took a little “field trip” to the letter press printing room to see how an actual print press worked. The whole experience was something i’ve never witnessed before, and probably never will again. We got to see the professor (who’s name I can’t remember) prepare and demonstrate the press to the class. Loading the ink took a while, but once it was fulled loaded and ready to go, a beautiful one of a kind print was created! He showed the class how to make a print of both words and a photograph–and showed us how the molds were made.

 The most interesting part was when he let the class make their own print. Now of course any machine being old and humongous would scare me, so when it came to being my turn I was terrified. It took me a few seconds to get the hang of it, and of course man up. The prints we made were all the same, but I got to make my own print so it was very special to me. The professor was extrememly nice and laid back, which I liked. We got to ask him a whole bunch of questions, as well as recieve information on all the other types of machines in the room. To me, this expereince was fun and interesting and I’m really glad I got to see how printing was before we took it for granted.

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My logo

The logo I created was something that represented me and showed a bit of my personality. I decided to go with this design because I like to design images, whether it being digital or drawn–hence the same AA designs. I stuck with my first and last initals and did a play on something quirky and fun, which was the cat head. I’m a sucker for cats, and am always incorpirating them into most of my projects, so I figured I’d make one my logo. I wanted to keep it simple, yet really catch someones eye.

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