AIGA Field Trip

Our field trip to the AIGI was both and interesting and exciting trip. Our tour guide Dave informed us about AIGI and what it was all about, and throughout the tour we got to see many different pieces that where displayed. The 3 pieces that I took photos of were some of my favorites. Although I didn’t manage to photograph the names of the artists, I will describe each piece. The first one was my favorite because of the bright neon colors and the images displayed in each piece. It was almost as if they were negatives and overlapped with other negatives. The faces in the images seemed to be past leaders, criminals, and presidents. The use of shapes such as circles, triangles, and squares adorned the canvas as well. The message was probably the display of power, and how it comes in all different shapes and sizes. The good, and the evil are still noted for their destruction or empowerment.

    The second piece was an entire wall dedicated to violence and guns, with images of guns, targets, and Osama bin laden. It showed the power of violence. I loved how big the piece was, taking up the entirety of one wall, while also having movable text.
    The third piece was a peace sign that said “American pie”, with the section “piece” missing from it. It had a great message saying that there can’t always be peace in what we call the “pie”. As I’m re-reading this, It doesn’t quite make sense as I type it out, but in my head it makes so much more sense!
Overall, the trip was great, the pieces were phenomenal, and AIGI is a great organization. I’m glad I got a chance to visit!.

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