Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Writing in a New Genre (Unit 3) Proposal, Due 4/16/23

Due this Thursday, 11/17, before the start of class

WRITE a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3, then
SAVE it to your class folder with the subject Unit 3 Proposal.

This proposal should be in paragraph form and must include: 

  • A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) 
  • The audience you are trying to reach
  • The genre you are planning to write in and– importantly– why you chose that genre
  • Where you would hypothetically publish or present this text and why did you choose that site/venue/publication?
  • A plan – how do you intend to get started?
  • Anything you might be worried about.  What are your concerns about finishing this project?


  1. Duc Giang

    1/ A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in Unit 2) 

    I want to teach my audience to understand how racism affects the healthcare system in the United States, especially during the pandemic.

    2/ The audience you are trying to reach

    The audience I try to reach is college students.

    3/ The genre you are planning to write in and– importantly– why you chose that genre

    The genre I planning to write is an investigative report. It is important because it has statistics and true information about the pandemic. Moreover, it has number to show black community have higher deaths than white community  

    4/ Where you would hypothetically publish or present this text and why did you choose that site/venue/publication?

    I think I’ll in City tech. I choose it because people need to know and have knowledge about my topic.

    5/ A plan – how do you intend to get started?

    I will intend to get started writing the genre and then write the artist’s statement.

    6/ Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project?

    I’m worried about the artist’s statement.

  2. Darianny Morales

    • What I want to teach my audience is not to pay so much attention to people’s bad comments. That the most important thing is to have good health and a family that supports you no matter what. And that everything that is published on social networks is not true.

    • The audience that I want to draw attention to is especially adolescents who get carried away by society’s stereotypes.

    • I plan to do a podcast to express myself in a better way.

    • I have not thought about publishing or presenting the text since I am a shameful person

    • I think I’ll start with a question to make my audience think

    • I think something that worries me is not being able to express myself as I want to express myself, that is, sharing my ideas clearly.

  3. Freddy Cen Liang

    We all know that by going to college, we will make more money later, but we should not blindly pursue a very high education with a good college. Because now, in the new era, there will be a lot of learning opportunities, including more college opportunities, And don’t give up the opportunity to go to college for $17 or $18 an hour now. We have to think through everything we do.

    The audience I want to reach is high school students

    I intend to publish what I want to say in the form of an essay

    I think I a going to high school to express it because there is all the audience I want.

    At first, I wanted to ask them, high school students, what are your thoughts now are you going to college or going to work?

    The question I’m worried about now is whether they can understand our questions or not and whether they have the ability to think for themselves at their age, my question.

  4. Carla Garcia

    Proposal: Creating an Infographic about X-ray Diagnosis in COVID-19. 


    The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the world. One of the most challenging aspects of this pandemic has been the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Medical professionals are utilizing X-ray scans to help diagnose patients with COVID-19. My proposal is to create an infographic that will showcase how X-ray diagnosis has helped people with COVID-19.


    The intended audience for this infographic is the general public. I believe that everyone should be informed about how medical professionals are diagnosing COVID-19, and the role that X-ray scans play in this process. The audience will include individuals of all ages, educational backgrounds, and anyone who wants to understand how X-Ray diagnosis is used to diagnose COVID-19.


    The genre for this infographic will be educational. I want to provide the audience with information about how X-ray scans are helping diagnose COVID-19. The information presented in the infographic will be factual, informative, and easy to understand.


    The hypothetical publication of this infographic will be on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. The infographic will also be posted on healthcare websites, blogs, and forums.

    Getting Started:

    To get started with the project, I will first conduct thorough research on X-ray diagnosis and COVID-19. I will collect relevant data and images to include in the infographic. I will use a design software to create the infographic and ensure that it is visually appealing and easy to read.


    My biggest concern about finishing this project is ensuring that the information presented in the infographic is accurate and up to date. As COVID-19 is an ongoing pandemic, new information is constantly emerging. I will need to ensure that I am incorporating the most current and relevant information in the infographic. Additionally, I am worried about presenting the information in a way that is easy to understand for individuals with little to no medical background.


    Creating an infographic about X-ray diagnosis and COVID-19 will provide the general public with valuable information about the role that X-ray scans play in diagnosing COVID-19. The educational genre will make the information accessible to individuals of all ages and educational backgrounds. Social media and healthcare websites will be the perfect platforms to publish and present this infographic.

  5. Sandra

    As an AI language model, I don’t have personal preferences or opinions, but I can provide a general proposal based on COVID-19 that can be helpful to high school students.


    Title: The impact of COVID-19 on global health: lessons learned and future for high school students.

    Objective: To educate high school students about the impact of COVID-19 on global health, the lessons learned from the pandemic, and the future implications of the virus.

    Rationale: COVID-19 has been one of the most significant global health crises of our time, affecting millions of people worldwide. High school students have been significantly impacted by the pandemic, with school closures, remote learning, and social distancing measures affecting their education, social life, and mental health. Educating them about the virus’s impact can help them understand the severity of the situation and the importance of taking preventive measures.

    Publication: The proposed text could be published on educational websites or platforms aimed at high school students, such as Khan Academy or Scholastic.

    Getting started: To get started, research will need to be conducted on the impact of COVID-19 on global health, the lessons learned, and future implications. The text should be written in an engaging and informative style suitable for high school students.

    Concerns: A potential concern would be ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the information presented in the text. It would be essential to consult reliable sources and experts in the field to ensure the text’s quality and relevance. Additionally, ensuring that the text is presented in an engaging and accessible format could also be a challenge.

  6. Heylin D

    An important thing I want to teach the audience is how teens need to stay more aware of their mental health and do what’s healthy for their physical well-being and mentally. It also goes for us adults as well it’s important to look out. That give other examples for cutting down screen-time, trying to be productive, do activities (including your preferred hobbies). 

    The audience I want to reach out is to teens and adults because teens are what the main concern is and as for adults, we need to be aware of teens mental health and ours as well. 

    I’ve decided I might try to do a comic because I can use visuals on the affects that bring teens mental health, how they struggle. Showing examples would be a good thing about my topic because we should be more aware about mental awareness.

    If I were to publish this I think I would put it out on websites for adults and teens to educate them about mental health and how important it is and what to look for help.

    My plan is to try to look for resources that maybe I can add to my project like that people know it’s there and if anything it can encourage adults and teens to look for sources that can help them. Then start writing on the important facts.

    A concern I may have is maybe the information I may put with choosing the genre.

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